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Looking for offer, auction start after first offer I like and end after 48 hrs.










Trashest Turtwig, Chimchar, Combee F (or vespiquen, better), Drifloon, Stunky, Bonsly. 10k each discount.

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Re: WTS Xmas Pikachu & Sandslash and Clone Blastoise


<r><QUOTE author="SiTzei"><s>

</s><POST content="335147"><s></s>335147<e></e></POST> 1m for pika :D<e>

not enough to outoffer klang.</r>

Re: WTS Xmas Pikachu & Sandslash and Clone Blastoise


<r><QUOTE author="Prophet"><s>

</s><POST content="335402"><s></s>335402<e></e></POST> How about 2m + Cinccino for xmas pika?<e>

You are BO.</r>

Re: WTS Xmas Pikachu & Sandslash and Clone Blastoise


<t>Let's say I'm rating the Klang 1m because it can at least give me an evo data. Cinccino is already evolved so I can rate it 400k.</t>

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