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I would also like to add how changes will take time, so please, when you suggest these things be ready and patient for it :Smile: :Grin:



Hours Played: 1000+ hours | Guild: | Server: Silver | Discord Tag: Golden#2746

  G0LD3N said:
336479 I would also like to add how changes will take time, so please, when you suggest these things be ready and patient for it :Smile: :Grin:



I understand the difficulty of implementing these suggestions in the game, but if the staff gets at least one I would really be very happy. :Angel:

  DodoBR said:
334897 - System of Hordes: (a system that would have a certain % '' (10% could be ideal) to appear hordes during the battles against wild pokemons.A amount of 5 pokemons. guess it would be incredible and exciting this system in the game. I guess facilitate a little + the training of EV's or even Level UP.) Other Pokemon Online games have this system and it makes a lot of success with the players !!






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