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Remove / Reducing 45 Minute Penalty (PvP)


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Guest SugarRed9

How about you just make the timer scale with the number of dcs?


For example:

First dc > 10 min

Second dc > 15 min

etc... etc..


Because tbh if you connection is that unstable maybe you shouldn't be playing pvp, so a scaling dc timer would be somewhat beneficial. :3

Just a different pov.

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Guest alanudao

i also want to leave a suggestion that i did write in a topic before but no replyes. it can solve in some cases the problem of wifi fugacious disconnects. the solution is that the battle system stops giving insta losses to those who disconnects. instead, it would only count the loss when the timer of the last tuns reaches zero. if the player stay disconnected till the time runs out, he lose, but if he recconect before it and make a move the game continues. considering that the wifi disconections tends to reconnect in a short period of time, players with this problem would benefit a lot and other player would not suffer any panality with this changes.

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I agree as well, this really is an absurd waiting time, let's just hope they listen to our ideas.


we need power to the players, we should get the updates we want, instead of all these cosmetics.

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