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Leech Seed = 100% Accuracy, Should Be 90%


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Guest LiquidSnakeK

There seems to be alot of this going around. Air slash is supposed to be 95% accuracy. I've had plenty of games where I've missed air slash twice in a row... considering the odds of that happening there is no way its working properly. As well as the flinch rate. Flinches seem to only occur when either A) A certain criteria has been met or B) It happens to be a specific pokemon. Jirachi is one of the only pokes in pro that I've seen used that the flinch rate seemed accurate. Flinch is supposed to be 60% but when I don't get a flinch in 3 air slashes that can seem somewhat odd. Compare that to missing two air slashes in a row and you will see my point.


Also, Scald burns.. Every time I come across a scald user its always a question of "What can afford being burned?". 30% chance to burn feels like 60%. I understand that it is RNG. However, seeing that leech seed is 90% yet seems to NEVER miss.. I'm beginning (I've had my doubts) to doubt the integrity of the coding on some of these RNG situations.

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