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Guild Halls


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well i was thinking about something that could make the game funnier and guilds more usefull


Guild Halls:

what i was thinking was to create some buildings in the towns or use arleady exist ones like this

UDzZ14a.png and make them halls for the guilds

since there is a ladder for top10 of guilds it could be nice to have 5 of them in some important towns vermilion saffron lilicove golderod etc.

the benefit of be owner of a hall should be something about

- npc that teleport u in close area of the hall exisiting town or teleport to any pc in region hall maybe teleport to all region bosses too?

- market , healer , pc , and cooldown boss checker inside the hall

- guild hall pc/npc that guild members can give without trade to guild leader money or pokes as a donation for upcoming guild events etc.

- hall should be allowed to start a ranked and unranked battle

- untradable headitem (like crown) that can be used only by guild members of the owner hall and if they lost it in future cannot be used

- fame of course

- only guild members should be allowed to enter a guild hall

- guild hall should be obtain by pvp guild vs guild every 2 weeks / 1 month (no idea about number of guild members that will take part in gwar)

- attacker guild registeration should be via forum by guild leader or npc ingame outside of hall

- if 2 or more guild attack the same guild hall they should fight each other first and winner will attack the guild hall

- i know to add something like this and someone waste time for it isnt easy but it could be nice ( and maybe add coins somewhere smt like guild spend a "hall membership" that cost some $ or alot of pokemoney and if a guild win a hall have to buy 1 to stay in.



this is just the general idea and some suggestions to get in mind what i wanted to say

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[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

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