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I have removed the rule made forbidding more than one Staff Pokemon in PvP.


Staff Pokemon are a REWARD. See the meaning of this word here:

  • reward]
    1. a thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement.


Staff will only ever receive two Pokemon as a result of their volunteered services. One at 6 Months - a non-tradable Legendary/Mythical Pokemon, another a 12 Months - a non-tradable Non-Legendary/Mythical/Mega Pokemon. These rewards are exchangeable, however, they are not repeatable.


I will not sit by and let the Player base essentially bully and emotionally blackmail Staff Members into feeling bad and as if they should be ashamed about something they have EARNED.


I will make a post in the next week detailing this further, with full reasoning, and will make it clear why and in what cases Staff will and will not be able to use their Pokemon in PvP. For now, I am locking this thread.

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