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Hello! A pokemon of mine, the Galvantula, disappeared from my bag and I do not know or remember the reason. I would like to know if you have any moderator to look at my history (or something like that) and to know if I accidentally gave a release on Galvantula or what happened to him, because I really do not know. Thanks in advance.

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340046 a pokemon to be saved in database and protected from server crashes account must be restarted atleast once so if server crashed after u caught the pokemon you probably lose it




That's not what happened, my pokemon just disappeared. I've had him for some time, and now I just do not have it anymore and I do not know where he went

340049 i dont know yet but if u got a screenshot of your pokemon with the ID number it could help alot the staff to find out what happend



I have no print of it. What I remember is that until the 13th of January I still had the Galvatula in my account, it's the last time I remember using it, after that I do not know what happened

340036 -snip


Hello Mukks, I am sorry for that experience, unfortunatly without any sort of evidence we can't take any sort of action because we have no confirmation that it happened nor we could found any sort of movement in the database.

As we have no ground to continue I will lock this thread. If you might have any information about it that might give confirmation for us to do another investigation, post in the General Complain Area.

Best of luck.





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