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Problems with chat and ideal chat reform.


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Before commenting read everything that I type and take it for how I type it. My ideas are by no means perfect and that is why there is a comment section. Your comments and view points on what I have typed help refine the idea into being something that can be used by the the staff to better the game and community.


First off we will talk about the purpose of each chat as imposed by moderators of chat.


- All Chat is used as pretty much a global chat. Anyone and everyone can communicate here without problems and you don't generally see a mod here unless it is to warn about language.


- Trade Chat is used for buying/selling/trading pokemon as well as getting appraisals about the general value your pokemon could be bought or sold for.


- Battle Chat is used for finding battles as well as rating pokemon in terms of stats, moves, and abilities.


- Help Chat is supposed to be used for only asking for help and answering questions asked by other users regarding only the game itself.


- Other + Local Chat are used just like their names imply. Local is for being social with people near by and other is supposed to be used for anything that doesn't fit within any of the other categories.


Now that the general idea of what moderators want us to use the chat for is covered, we should talk about how they are used by players.


- All Chat is used how it is supposed to be.


- Trade Chat is used how it is supposed to be.


- Battle Chat is used very rarely but when it is used it generally serves its purpose.


- Help Chat is the big one in this case. Help chat is used more as a general chat + help chat. Users like to talk freely in here and answer questions when someone asks. Moderators disagree with this use and give warnings/mute users who disobey.


- Other Chat and Local chat... No one uses these lawl.


As you can see the problems that are in the chat system for pro are mainly in the help chat. But there are a few issues for clarity that should be changed for the future. I will cover those first and give my long winded rant on help chat last.


- All Chat. This chat needs to be renamed to Global Chat. A new chat should be added with the name All Chat that contains all chats in the one tab much like local does but add the ability to cycle which chat you are typing into with the tab key. I doubt there will be any disagreements with this.


- Other chat is pointless. If someone was going to use this there would be no reason they couldn't post it in the current All Chat. In my opinion this tab should be a customizable All Chat. By that I mean the user should be able to pick and chose what chats appear in this tab. Maybe the user doesn't wanna see Trade Chat but they wanna see everything else. They should be able to press a gear and unselect the Trade Chat and have it be removed.


Buckle up kids its time to talk about Help Chat!


- Help Chat should retain its primary use as a chat where users come to receive help. Now about users being able to free chat in this chat. I know moderators have the idea that if we allow users to free chat in help chat that users that are seeking help will be neglected. This idea makes sense when said like that but shouldn't be looked at in such a narrow minded view. Letting people free chat in help chat keeps users in help chat for when a user actually needs help.


If what I said about the reform of "Other Chat" gets implemented a user that wishes to help others would be able to view both a general chat for idle conversation and help chat for when someone asks a question. This will reduce the traffic in help chat since uses will have the ability to give the help they want to give and enjoy each other's company at the same time.


Hopefully the reform for "All Chat" gets added as well as reform for "Other Chat". These solutions should also be able to avoid any changes to the rules from being made.

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Reforming chats is something that has been discussed by Staff for a long time now. However implementation is where it gets a little tricky. I won't go into detail here, but everything you have said has been mentioned by another Staff member in some form - so you're not alone in your thoughts. This doesn't mean it will definitely be implemented though, but it has been in the works and may potentially change in the future.


In addition to this, as you may have noticed, we have a high number of Apprentices at the moment. Hopefully an influx of new Staff, once fully trained, will help control and allow chats to be used properly. Unfortunately they've got a bit out of hand as Staff have been in short supply recently.

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