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Forfeit Button


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Is it going to be implemented anytimes soon ? Since bming is legit (yeah keres said bming by using the same moove,when you already won=/=time wasting (such a logic rolf, he wasn't doing that to waste my time in purpose, na he wasn't im sure of that) , and leaving a match gives you a 45min penality ,yeah just experienced a guy having fun clicking curse , same for rest ,obviously not using sleeptalk until he himself runs out of PP ,so gotta watch him for 20straight minutes bming,or either leave and so taking the restriction . Well playing me in ladder wasn't funny in the first place, let's use t-wave/cm/rest(well all of them max ppuped ofc <3,let's be childish as him) the same way he did is going to be even more funny . I hope you don't meet me in ladder ,hf .


Edit:7. Time stalling is forbidden. (Time stalling =/= stalling, using repetitive moves is allowed) I deduct by that clicking 20+ ish time thunder-wave in a row and softboil sometimes when i need to on an harmless threat with a +6 clefable on his last pokemon is totally allowed ,it's not considered time stalling either ,keres's logic there this is what he copypasted to me Ingame after this childish guy wasted 20minutes of my real time doing his shit on my poliwrath .


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Tbh since we get coins even if our opponent disconnects there isn't any reason to wait 45 minutes if you leave the battle in the first place. So instead of forfeit button maybe getting rid of that time penalty would be better. Would also help those that get disconnected cause of bad internet and have to wait 45min for no reason then.

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