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Dear Admins and Devs,


I figured that since you guys could have paypal payments and unfortunately not all people has that i was suggesting if we could add in a mobile payment instead which could bill our carriers. You could slowly expand the carriers and make it worldwide. Nevertheless, still a suggestion that i think is worth considering. Cheers. :Smile:


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344149 Dear Admins and Devs,


I figured that since you guys could have paypal payments and unfortunately not all people has that i was suggesting if we could add in a mobile payment instead which could bill our carriers. You could slowly expand the carriers and make it worldwide. Nevertheless, still a suggestion that i think is worth considering. Cheers. :Smile:


Hello VHSenpai,


iirc Shane already said something about this, if not; I'll explain it quick.

It is simply not possible for Shane to add a new payment method, my guess is that it has to do with taxes or something else but let's say; It won't happen in PRO


Have a nice day!

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344149 Dear Admins and Devs,


I figured that since you guys could have paypal payments and unfortunately not all people has that i was suggesting if we could add in a mobile payment instead which could bill our carriers. You could slowly expand the carriers and make it worldwide. Nevertheless, still a suggestion that i think is worth considering. Cheers. :Smile:


Alternative payments are covered in the Read this before making a suggestion thread

209177 "Alternative payment

Alternate payment methods have been suggested in the past several times before. We understand that it may be inconvenient to donate via Paypal in certain countries, but this will ultimately depend on our developer Shane's discretion, as there are limitations on his ability to accept donations from other payment methods. Apologies for any inconveniences in the meantime."


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