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Store Previews No Longer a Thing?


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So I've recently noticed with newer store mounts / cosmetics that there aren't previews. Please fix this...why would people buy something that they don't even know what looks like? That's just silly. :Frown:


Would appreciate it very much if it got fixed! :y: :thanks:




(I apologize if this thread is in the wrong place, wasn't sure which topic to put it under.)


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344979 So I've recently noticed with newer store mounts / cosmetics that there aren't previews. Please fix this...why would people buy something that they don't even know what looks like? That's just silly. :Frown:


Would appreciate it very much if it got fixed! :y: :thanks:




(I apologize if this thread is in the wrong place, wasn't sure which topic to put it under.)


Hello Eskro,


iirc the mounts never had a preview and about the "Cubone"-hat, well that's a mistake/bug and Shane already knows about it.

The newer added cosmetics always had a preview it's just the Cubone-hat this time.


Here is Luxray(Shiny)



Here is Talonflame(Shiny)



Here is the Cubone-hat(credits to Fippsie)



Have a nice day!

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