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Following this post: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=52447

I would like to report a bug with Hidden Power, the Base Power is assumed to be 60, but it's 50.

The player HiddenAbility noticed a bug, when he attacks Scizzor with Hidden Power Fire (on Magnezone), he should OHKO him, but in reality, Hidden Power never OHKO him.


So, i did some tests, you can find it in the following post. But i will resume here.


To calculate the HP lost, we use this expression :


It comes from Pokepedia in French. But i think PRO uses the same calculation for HP lost.


PV perdus = [2+((Niv*0,4+2)*Att*Pui)/(Def*50)]*CM

HP Lost = [2+((Lv*0,4+2)*SPATK*Power)/(SPDEF*50)]*CM

After some changes, the expression for Power is :

Power = [(SPDEF*50)*((HP Lost/CM)-2)]/((Lv*0,4+2)*SPATK)


I have now the expression to determinate the Base Power of Hidden Power, so i need to test in reality the hp lost.


I used this Magnezone to do it :


This Magnezone is HP Fire 68, so :

- If Hidden Power has a Base Power on IVs, he will hit with 68 Base Power.

- If Hidden Power has a Base Power of 60, he will hit with 60 Base Power.


The first attacks on Gyarados (SPDEF = 244) makes him lost 32 hp. I have all variable for the expression before :

- HP Lost : 32.

- Lv : 100.

- SPATK : 376.

- SPDEF : 244.

- CM : depends on STAB, weakness of target, critical hits, ability, items, weather, and a random number between 0,85 and 1.

My Magnezone is Electric/Steel, so no STAB on Hidden Power Fire, it's not a critical hit, Magnezone has no ability to affect the dammages (same for Gyarados), no item, no weather. Gyarados' weakness to Fire is 1/2. The only issue to calculate Power is the random number between 0,85 and 1.


So, i do the calculation :

Power = [(SPDEF*50)*((HP Lost/CM)-2)]/((Lv*0,4+2)*SPATK)

Power = [(244*50)*((32/CM)-2)]/((100*0,4+2)*376)

Power = [(244*50)*((32/CM)-2)]/((100*0,4+2)*376)

Power = [(12200)*((32/CM)-2)]/(15792)


If the random number is :

- 0,85 , so CM = 0,425 , and Power = [(12200)*((32/0,425)-2)]/(15792) = 56,62

- 0,925 , so CM = 0,4625 , and Power = [(12200)*((32/0,4625)-2)]/(15792) = 51,91

- 1 , so CM = 0,5 , and Power = [(12200)*((32/0,5)-2)]/(15792) = 47,9


I find a Base Power between 47,9 and 56,62 , when it's assumed to to be 60 or 68. So, Hidden Power has a bug.


To be sure, i did the same with more attacks :



And i used a other pokemon to do the same :


Hidden Power is : Grass 51.



I find an average power of 49,29 and 49,12. Why it's 49,29 and 49,12 in average ? It's because when HP Lost are calculate, the HP are truncate, so i "lose a part of data" in real tests. In fact, the average is more around 50 than 49.


In conclusion, Hidden Power has not a power of 60 it should be, but it's not between 30 and 70 like the others generations. Hidden Power has a Base Power of 50.

It's a bug because it supposes to be 60 and when we look at the description we see 60.

Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

I posted that bug a week ago, and HiddenAbility noticied it the 31 october 2016. Can we have an answer from a member of the staff? Even if it's "we don't know".

We need to know if it's a real bug, or a nerf of Hidden Power :Grin:


If it's a choice to nerf it, that changes our choices when we build our PKM, Hidden Power at 50 Base Power is pretty useless for a no stab move :Shocked:

Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

  • 2 weeks later...
355909 For some reason all hidden powers base power is 50, even if you found one to be 30 it will be 50.

The power is fixed at 60 since gen 6 and that's how it is here. At least how it's supposed to be. So you can't have 30-70bp anyway.

355909 For some reason all hidden powers base power is 50, even if you found one to be 30 it will be 50.

The power is fixed at 60 since gen 6 and that's how it is here. At least how it's supposed to be. So you can't have 30-70bp anyway.

He means in pro its 50 for some reason(bug?) i dont know cause if you see the calcs of Kami 68 bp mag= 49,2 average 51 bp medicham=49,1 average asuming it could be locked to 50~ in pro :/

355909 For some reason all hidden powers base power is 50, even if you found one to be 30 it will be 50.

The power is fixed at 60 since gen 6 and that's how it is here. At least how it's supposed to be. So you can't have 30-70bp anyway.

He means in pro its 50 for some reason(bug?) i dont know cause if you see the calcs of Kami 68 bp mag= 49,2 average 51 bp medicham=49,1 average asuming it could be locked to 50~ in pro :/

Yes that's what he means. Instead of 60bp, it's locked to 50bp here.

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