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2 pokes sleep


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Rules based on assumptions are messed up :Ambivalent: . Although I understand the existence of that rule, it should be something short term. Alaris, be kind to us and spam Shane for a message when switching out that the status was cured due to natural cure, since coding not allowing 2 mons be asleep by sleeping moves I imagine it must be a *bip* to code.

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Trying to punish people with such bad play as switching a nc cure mon weak to venu , and switching it out to "deal" with pownder"s sleep status , and so instantly pm the opponent to whine when you got read of , and punished just after, playing around rule&how badly this is coded shouldn't be tried on me at some point , since you'r not the first one trying this on me , also that probably explain why you didn't showed our early conversation aswll .


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