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Auction trades


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Just after a bit of clarification on the rules of fake auction buyer/sellers i do not want to make a report unless i have all the facts on how the auction works within the game...for example a normal auction has a Buyout/insta price or can normally have a cap which is similar to the Buyout/insta what i want some clarification on is if someone is posting a pokemon as an auction without a buyout/insta price and myself and others have put time into bidding for said pokemon for the buyer to turn around at the end of it and say that he is not happy with the price and then decides to not sell or does not get a desirable amount for what is on auction.


E.g being Poke1 general trade price 2m

goes on auction with a starting bid of 700k

bids only reach a price of 1m and the seller not happy with it and decides to not sell the poke


would that be a reportable offence?

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I think no, it's not reportable.. but I hate when this happen. If you don't want to sell it for less then xK, don't accept any offer lower than xK. Don't say "you're the BO" then "no I don't like the price I don't sell it". :confused:

At least that's what I do.


However I don't think that there is any "general price" for poke. It depends on the Poke. Items are different. :y:

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Imo - Since it's his pokemon, he can back down of the sell at anytime. The best you can do is "flag" him as a non-serious seller/buyer and avoid future trades with that person. Although I find pretty dumb the "not happy with the offer, I withdraw my sell" when there is a starting bid requirement. If you have a starting offer, you should pick a price you're already happy with, that way, you don't spend everyone's time.

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349292 Imo - Since it's his pokemon, he can back down of the sell at anytime. The best you can do is "flag" him as a non-serious seller/buyer and avoid future trades with that person. Although I find pretty dumb the "not happy with the offer, I withdraw my sell" when there is a starting bid requirement. If you have a starting offer, you should pick a price you're already happy with, that way, you don't spend everyone's time.

all this "not happy with the price not sell" works when auction are blind (I don't know the english name of that), I mean when offer are secret and there is no min. offer. In those kind of auction you set a safe price to be sure don't get too low money. But not in open auction.

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349292 Imo - Since it's his pokemon, he can back down of the sell at anytime. The best you can do is "flag" him as a non-serious seller/buyer and avoid future trades with that person. Although I find pretty dumb the "not happy with the offer, I withdraw my sell" when there is a starting bid requirement. If you have a starting offer, you should pick a price you're already happy with, that way, you don't spend everyone's time.

all this "not happy with the price not sell" works when auction are blind (I don't know the english name of that), I mean when offer are secret and there is no min. offer. In those kind of auction you set a safe price to be sure don't get too low money. But not in open auction.


just annoying to know that i could be wasting time hoping for the auction to go through and in the end have seller say i dont want that price, when i could be better spent using my time to hunt for it instead. Shame though this kind of thing should be more well regulated as to not wasting everyones time

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Probably not reportable but I honestly don't understand people having a starting price they're not happy with. I personally don't agree with "if I'm unhappy with the final offer, I can refuse to sell". Sellers should always start the auction at a price they're happy with so no one wastes their time. I've done the same in the past as well, but it's pointless.

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