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Well, Hellow

I'm PrinceOfCourage and I recently discovered Pokemon Revolution Online and I really like it ^^

I don't understant why I didn't discover it earlier :)

So I'm French and I love pokemon universe since i'm a little kid: it starts by the pokemon cards in the scoolyard with trading and match ...

And then one of my cousin showed me Pokemon on Gameboy so a few years later I got a DS and I enjoyed myself a lot :)

Now I continue with the 3DS and PRO even if I just started x)


Hope I can find a kind and happy community with PRO: don't hesitate and add me as your friend :)


PS: I'm 17 years old and I don't like people to say that I'm too old for Pokemon, I already have my little sisters for that x)

Anyway, Pokemon is cool for every age !!!


PSbis: My pseudo is Princeofcourage, because that's how my friends name me because I just do crazy things all times ^^


Have a great Day !!

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Hi. I also hate when people call me too old for Pokemon ( I am 15 btw) and when I try to explain Pokemon it is one of the biggest game franchise ever they say only kids play it and it gets me sick. But hope you enjoy pro and good luck some serious gaming days are upon you.

Welcome to PRO!


There's plenty of players here that are older than you. I'm 22 for example. Just enjoy yourself, people that try to stop you from doing what you like to do aren't worth your time anyway.

"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Trainers should try to win with the Pokémon they love best."

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