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Leveling system?


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354943 How does lvling system work?, I wonder if you have changed it from when I used to play, since Im thinking on starting play with some irl friends but they dont want a lvling system that makes pre-evolutions lvl faster


pre evolutions need less exp per level, so they would reach higher levels much faster than if they're allowed to evolve which is due to the MMO nature of the game as it acts as a balance

You can gain the added power from evolving or forfeit that power for speed, both have advantages and disadvantages

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354943 How does lvling system work?, I wonder if you have changed it from when I used to play, since Im thinking on starting play with some irl friends but they dont want a lvling system that makes pre-evolutions lvl faster


Hello NisseP,


pre-evo pokemon do level faster duo the lower base xp they have but there are some without that pattern for example happiny -> blissey all 255 base xp.

As Reikou already said, both have advantages and disadvantages duo the power of the pokemon and the level speed.


I would suggest not to evolve them until they reach level 96-98 AND make sure that you don't evolve them before checking if they have some pre-evo moves only

Have fun playing and good luck!



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354943 makes pre-evolutions lvl faster


not really, in my opinion lvl requirements for pre-evos are same as in handheld games. Id rather say, Evolved forms requires more experience to level up.





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