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356523 jL12Pa3.png




i threw 100 up pokeballs,7 great balls n 39 ultra balls......but my [Censored] luck,still i couldnt catch that beldum..makes me so upset but whatever...btw how much ball i have to carry if i want to catch another one..pls let me know ?


Normally it takes about 60 odd ultra balls also putting it to sleep helps xD

There's nothing anyone can do about it at this stage. Beldum has the lowest catch rate in all Pokemon, shared only with legendaries. (3)


356529 U should false swipe it w. Shedinja and put it to sleep w. Gastly.. then if u r lucky it wont take more than 30 ultra balls.

Use this method. False Swipe with Shedinja, so Beldum doesn't faint to Take Down recoil. Switch to another ghost who can put Beldum to sleep with the help of moves such as Hypnosis and you'll have 50% chance of catching it within 6 Ultra Balls & at least a 95% chance within 24 Ultra Balls.



Hello shamow008,


as a few people mentioned before,

you need a shedninja with false swipe in order to get the beldum to 1hp and after that a ghost type pokemon such as gengar with hypnosis.

This is your best shot to catch a beldum and as chameleon said; "you'll have 50% chance of catching it within 6 Ultra Balls & at least a 95% chance within 24 Ultra Balls".

Beldum has one of the lowest if not the lowest catchrate in PRO/Pokemon and there is such a low chance to catch it without any status effect (like par or sleep).

I hope this helps a bit. :)

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

356558 i caught beldum in safari hoenn and i took me 4-5 ultra balls and it was at half health...was that luck or is it easier to catch it at safari?


pure luck


"You have a 4.42% chance of capturing it per ball. Thus, you have at least a 50% chance of catching it within 16 balls and at least a 95% chance of catching it within 67 balls."

well if I did the calculation correctly Gen V Catch Rate Calculator

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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