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My 2 cents for the Devs.


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I'd like to start by saying that the devs of this game are awesome. I believe that their vision is well aligned with that of most pokemon players in realizing a true pokemon mmorpg. Two thumbs up, great job and keep at it. I will continue to support the game as much as possible so long as things continue the way they are going.


My two cents in terms of what should be prioritized in this game based on the state that it's current in:

#1. Allow us to change the order of our pokemons moves! - I'm OCD and need my moves to be from weakest to strongest on the list, status moves being last. It's #1 on my list because once you do it, it's done and you devs can forget about it unlike #2.

#2. Attack/Ability animations! - I feel that this is the #1 thing that takes away from the games immersion.. that 95+% of moves don't have proper animations. I'm sure this is an ongoing phase in development, but it should be prioritized.

#3. Legendaries!? - I got Arcticuno to 1HP with false swipes and put it to sleep only to be told that I can't use poke balls in this fight!? Not sure why this is the case, but it hurt my experience(and emotions) big time..


That being said... I truly love this game and the direction that it's heading.

Much love and appreciation to all the devs, mods, players and everyone involved, this game is soooo excitingly awesome!

Phaedrus in the hizzouse!

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#1 good idea, i guess devs already put it on list, u just have to wait

#2 this is BETA dude, animator really put on work for this

#3 not allowed to catch legendaries cuz they wont be "legend" anymore if everyone can catch one, plus their stats quite insane so gotta ruins pvp, totally rejected.


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47892 I'd like to start by saying that the devs of this game are awesome. I believe that their vision is well aligned with that of most pokemon players in realizing a true pokemon mmorpg. Two thumbs up, great job and keep at it. I will continue to support the game as much as possible so long as things continue the way they are going.


My two cents in terms of what should be prioritized in this game based on the state that it's current in:

#1. Allow us to change the order of our pokemons moves! - I'm OCD and need my moves to be from weakest to strongest on the list, status moves being last. It's #1 on my list because once you do it, it's done and you devs can forget about it unlike #2.

#2. Attack/Ability animations! - I feel that this is the #1 thing that takes away from the games immersion.. that 95+% of moves don't have proper animations. I'm sure this is an ongoing phase in development, but it should be prioritized.

#3. Legendaries!? - I got Arcticuno to 1HP with false swipes and put it to sleep only to be told that I can't use poke balls in this fight!? Not sure why this is the case, but it hurt my experience(and emotions) big time..


That being said... I truly love this game and the direction that it's heading.

Much love and appreciation to all the devs, mods, players and everyone involved, this game is soooo excitingly awesome!


1. Good suggestion, but since it's "cosmetic" it would have low priority.

2. You mentioned that "95%" of the moves don't have attack animations. The reason for this is that the person who was working on animations unfortunately had to leave the project. Hopefully we'll get someone who can bring the battles to life. :)

3. Legendaries will be a part of this game in the future. However, I won't go into detail on this for now.


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Okee, thanks for the reply homie.

You're putting in work yo - answering my questions in game too! xD


And yeah the legendary thing.. I guess it should be event based / some kind of super rare encounter or else everyone would be running around with the same line-ups of legend pokès.

Phaedrus in the hizzouse!

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