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Opinions for Re-consideration


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479213. EV

This last point is more like my personal fantasy. I always wonder why it is almost impossible to have a super powerful Magikarp which can beat everyone else? I think there should be no cap on EV so that if one trains enough, any Pokemon can be strong enough to beat everyone else. This should fit more into the design of the Pokemon world. However, of course the formula will need to be changed. For example, log might be suitable. (Any other formula which serves similar purpose with log would do so there would be no lost of balance.)


That is the most noncompetitive suggestion I've ever seen, it would destroy the entire metagame and serve as an even bigger barrier to entry than we already have with other factors like rarity alone.

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1 - train/mount

2 - move tutors - however i am not going to say that I Sage(not staff) am 100% no breeding. However for breeding to be allowed it would be under AT least the bare minimum of the following 2 conditions.[The current staff view is NO breeding]

A) Breeded Pokemon can NOT be used in PvP battle.

B) Breeded Pokemon can NOT be traded.(yes im aware this would cause trouble with some pokemon that evolve from trading(havent though of that solution yet)

3 - I agree with the above people.(you do understand the difference is an mmo and offline game? how this game being an MMO affects the gameplay?)

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