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*Outlaw Guild Recruiting*-Blue Server


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[glow=black]Welcome Everyone To Outlaw Guild Page[/glow]




[glow=black]About Us[/glow]


[glow=purple]We are international GUILD from blue server we are new on server, the meaning of OutLaw is “a person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive.”.We like to support each other in completing PRO story,building pvp teams and everything else but the most important for us are to make one big family to enjoy the time when play this game.[/glow]




[glow=black]OutLaw Requirements & Rules[/glow]



  • Be active on Discord always. When someone is not available in the game more than 7 days without reason and without having someone inform[glow=blue]RedShanks , Jehko & Odontokrema[/glow] that they can't play for these days, they will be kicked from the guild/discord

  • No scamming

  • New Applicants are required to have 150 hours of playtime

  • New Applicant, Stay in Discord Guild Server while online in game for 1 Week b4 i give you the @Members Role here and Guild Members In game

  • Need Finish a 3 Regions Story

  • Respect all people whether they are in the guild or not and think before you speak

  • Please keep the drama out of discord and guild chat and please try to handle it in a civil way in an interpersonal basis. We understand that sometimes we all can't get along, but there are better ways to handle things

  • Disobeying the rules will automatically lead to a kick from the Guild

Add more as we progress...






[glow=yellow]NOTE: Please reply to this thread with an answer for the following questions.


Make sure they're not weak responses like "sure" or "I want to be the very best!".


This is the place where first impressions matter a lot (in case you don't meet the requirements and want us to make an exception).


1)What is your IGN "In Game Name"?: .....

2)Where are you from?: ......

3)What languages can you speak?: ......

4)How old are you?: 18+

5)What's your favorite Food?: .......

6)What server(s) do you play?: ......

7)What's your favorite shiny pokemon?: .......

8)How many hours do you have in game?: ......

9)what's your goal in PRO?: ...... [/glow]


[glow=black]Discord Guild Chat[/glow]






[glow=orange]1) A pokemon hunt, most of the time on a rare poke that you can keep for PvP or sell for a decent price.

2) A specified pokemon tournament

3) Hide and Seek[/glow]


[glow=violet]Hi to all OutLaw Guild Members / Family! I would like to announce that on October 1, 2017 begins our 3rd Guild Event. The Event will last until October 8, 2017.It's a "Guild Hunting Event" and it's free to join for all OutLaw Guild Members / Family.[/glow]

<GLOW glow="black">[glow=black]-Event Rules-[/glow]

- You need to be the Original Trainer (OT) of the pokemon you submit.

- Whenever you encounter a wild pokemon that's being hunted for the event, take a screenshot "SS" of the battle with the in-game PokeTime.

- After you catch the pokemon, take another screenshot "SS" of its profile with the in-game PokeTime.

- Post those screenshots in the current thread or the OutLaw Discord Server in the #guild_event channel.

[glow=black]The Pokemon we are going to hunt is "Gligar"[/glow]

Catching a [glow=silver]Shiny Gligar[/glow] will automatically win you the event regardless of Nature / Ability / IVs


[glow=black]For non-shiny Gligar the requirements are:[/glow]

- Ability - Immunity

- Nature - Impish

- Highest IV total wins the event


[glow=gold]1st Place – x1 Coin Capsule

2nd Place – Shiny Luxray Mount

3rd Place – x1 Life Orb

Good Luck to All[/glow]




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