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There are some moves that can not learn after you evolve your poke, and I fall in the trap twice since I play this game, since I am not a expert, it is not possible for me to know every single moves in this game. I really hope this game can add a pre-evo turtor so that we can re-learn those pre-evo moves if we accidently missed it.


Hello mangkitw,


please read this before you make a suggestion

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

361153 ah prehax :), thx for linking me this, now it is time for me to read this block of text XD


I actually linked you the exact part tho

(Including new Ability / Evolution / Animation / Pokemon cries / Battle music / Item description / Pre evolution move tutor)

Unfortunately we can't give you an ETA on when new things will be coded in or updated within the game. Please keep an eye on the update logs, as that's where you'll find news about features that have been recently coded into the game. You can also post in this thread about a move tutor you'd like to see added to the game, though please keep in mind that each account is only allowed to suggest one move.


For all of these, you'll need to be patient and wait. Remember that our staff team is constantly working to improve the game: artists are creating new animations and sprites, scripters are writing and implementing scripts, and Shane is always working on coding new features and improvements into the client. We need time to fix and update everything, so please be patient.

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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