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Hey all,


First of all, i dont know if its the right place for this thread. (Hopefully yes.)


i bought MS for the first time and so i'm looking to search and find some MS Pokemons.

Problem is, that i don't know which MS Pokemon is on which route.

I know there is a Spawn Guide in the Internet but there are not all MS Pokemons (No Hoenn and dont know if everything is true there.)


For example: (Route or place with time would be good.)


Axew -

Noibat -

Tynamo -


Pokemons which you can't find without MS or Excavation. Would be nice if you write me the route for these pokemon and you could add here more "rare" pokemon or you can write me a message.


Thanks :)

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361490 Hey all,


First of all, i dont know if its the right place for this thread. (Hopefully yes.)


i bought MS for the first time and so i'm looking to search and find some MS Pokemons.

Problem is, that i don't know which MS Pokemon is on which route.

I know there is a Spawn Guide in the Internet but there are not all MS Pokemons (No Hoenn and dont know if everything is true there.)


For example: (Route or place with time would be good.)


Axew -

Noibat -

Tynamo -


Pokemons which you can't find without MS or Excavation. Would be nice if you write me the route for these pokemon and you could add here more "rare" pokemon or you can write me a message.


Thanks :)




Hoenn Spawn Guide

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

361490 Hey all,


First of all, i dont know if its the right place for this thread. (Hopefully yes.)


i bought MS for the first time and so i'm looking to search and find some MS Pokemons.

Problem is, that i don't know which MS Pokemon is on which route.

I know there is a Spawn Guide in the Internet but there are not all MS Pokemons (No Hoenn and dont know if everything is true there.)


For example: (Route or place with time would be good.)


Axew -

Noibat -

Tynamo -


Pokemons which you can't find without MS or Excavation. Would be nice if you write me the route for these pokemon and you could add here more "rare" pokemon or you can write me a message.


Thanks :)


i dont know if i forgout someone (probably i forgot it) but here go one little list of pokemons only to ms (wild):


tynamo - safari exclusive

noibat is free user - Higth tide entrance room

axew - ms from granite cave b1f and free user at dragons shrine

skrelp - route 117

gothita - route 37

Timbur - granite cave 1f

litleo - hoenn safari zone 4

flabebe - water path (i dont rember in what sevii island is :p)

tirtouga - jura cave (leev town)

hippopotas - desert lagoon

shellos - route 26 and route 113

vullaby - leev town

alomomola - route 124, route130, route 134

glameow - bronde bridge (i dont rember in what sevii island is :p)

deino - meteor falls b1f 1r, meteor falls 1f 2r

magby - mt ember summit path 2f (sevii Island 1)

skiddo - five island meadow (sevii Island 5)

roggenrola - fiery path

drilbur - victory road kanto 2f

tympole - route 107, safari johto wet zone

sawk - route 112

cottone - petalburg woods

sandile - route 111 desert, dark cave south

trubbish - route 110

ferroseed - valley of steel eastern peak

litwick - pokemon tower underground

cubchoo - seafoam b4f, safari johto snow zone, low tide entrance room, high tide entrace room

druddrigon - meteors falls 1f 1r

yamask - jura cave (leev town)

durant - national park

dedenne - route 10

pachirisu - power plant

clauncher - route 106, route 109

combee - leev town

burmy - route 38

klefki - valley of steel western peak





Thank you very much.

But on your page and this page (https://pokemonrevolutiononlineguide.jimdo.com/) is nowhere for example Axew or Tynamo. Noivern i cant find too there.

Or there is an other page than mine?


The jimdo page is not an official one as well as the one I linked.


Also you are wrong, Axew is on that Hoenn guide and Noibat is a non MS pokemon

  • Axew - Land - Night - Granite Cave B1F
  • Noibat - Surf - Night - High Tide Entrance Room


Tynamo is not in Hoenn, you can get it in the Safari Exclusive zone in Kanto Safari :)

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.





Thank you very much.

But on your page and this page (https://pokemonrevolutiononlineguide.jimdo.com/) is nowhere for example Axew or Tynamo. Noivern i cant find too there.

Or there is an other page than mine?


The jimdo page is not an official one as well as the one I linked.


Also you are wrong, Axew is on that Hoenn guide and Noibat is a non MS pokemon

  • Axew - Land - Night - Granite Cave B1F
  • Noibat - Surf - Night - High Tide Entrance Room


Tynamo is not in Hoenn, you can get it in the Safari Exclusive zone in Kanto Safari :)


Ah, I just went trough the pages and dont cliked on "Show Spoiler" :D - That could be the reason, i dont found Axew & Co.


Thank you very much again :)

361490 Hey all,


First of all, i dont know if its the right place for this thread. (Hopefully yes.)


i bought MS for the first time and so i'm looking to search and find some MS Pokemons.

Problem is, that i don't know which MS Pokemon is on which route.

I know there is a Spawn Guide in the Internet but there are not all MS Pokemons (No Hoenn and dont know if everything is true there.)


For example: (Route or place with time would be good.)


Axew -

Noibat -

Tynamo -


Pokemons which you can't find without MS or Excavation. Would be nice if you write me the route for these pokemon and you could add here more "rare" pokemon or you can write me a message.


Thanks :)


i dont know if i forgout someone (probably i forgot it) but here go one little list of pokemons only to ms (wild):


tynamo - safari exclusive

noibat is free user - Higth tide entrance room

axew - ms from granite cave b1f and free user at dragons shrine

skrelp - route 117

gothita - route 37

Timbur - granite cave 1f

litleo - hoenn safari zone 4

flabebe - water path (i dont rember in what sevii island is :p)

tirtouga - jura cave (leev town)

hippopotas - desert lagoon

shellos - route 26 and route 113

vullaby - leev town

alomomola - route 124, route130, route 134

glameow - bronde bridge (i dont rember in what sevii island is :p)

deino - meteor falls b1f 1r, meteor falls 1f 2r

magby - mt ember summit path 2f (sevii Island 1)

skiddo - five island meadow (sevii Island 5)

roggenrola - fiery path

drilbur - victory road kanto 2f

tympole - route 107, safari johto wet zone

sawk - route 112

cottone - petalburg woods

sandile - route 111 desert, dark cave south

trubbish - route 110

ferroseed - valley of steel eastern peak

litwick - pokemon tower underground

cubchoo - seafoam b4f, safari johto snow zone, low tide entrance room, high tide entrace room

druddrigon - meteors falls 1f 1r

yamask - jura cave (leev town)

durant - national park

dedenne - route 10

pachirisu - power plant

clauncher - route 106, route 109

combee - leev town

burmy - route 38

klefki - valley of steel western peak


Thank you very much :)

361490 Hey all,


First of all, i dont know if its the right place for this thread. (Hopefully yes.)


i bought MS for the first time and so i'm looking to search and find some MS Pokemons.

Problem is, that i don't know which MS Pokemon is on which route.

I know there is a Spawn Guide in the Internet but there are not all MS Pokemons (No Hoenn and dont know if everything is true there.)


For example: (Route or place with time would be good.)


Axew -

Noibat -

Tynamo -


Pokemons which you can't find without MS or Excavation. Would be nice if you write me the route for these pokemon and you could add here more "rare" pokemon or you can write me a message.


Thanks :)


Hello it's me again,


sorry for the random quote again but I found something that might be good for you

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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