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Hi friends, welcome to my shop.


Rules :y:


1. Fake offers will be reported.

2. The aunctions will begin when I accept the offer.

3. I have rights to not accept any offer if I don't like them.

4.(*Rule 2) If your offer stay for 36 hours, it means that you won. Wait i send a pm.


- Pm me in-game! Darkclark


UB9tNb2.png Breloom Tech


NobQChJ.png Gyarados moxie jolly


crK16i1.png Krokoo int ada


eRb0Dmt.png Donphan 400k start / Insta (Not Yet)


zfCzAi7.png Talon h.a Brave


Ol7TqNc.png Dusk adamant




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