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Meh. I think it's fine where it is and here's why -


1. Beldum is only obtainable in the end game. As a result, end game players have more money, and (for whatever reason) people complain about having too much money and nothing to spend on. Money sinks are important in an mmo. If money is too easy to acquire, then spending money on balls to catch pokemon wouldn't matter.

2. This is his actual catch rate taken from the games. I would agree that if the staff changed his catch rate to make it ridiculous, they should change it to what it is originally. However since 3 is the original catch rate, and every poke in this game has its original catch rate, that's what it should be.


It's not like metagross is an OP broken pokemon that every team needs to have. He's rare and cool, sure, but after trying to catch the first 2 or 3 of them, you should know what you're getting into. Its not mandatory you catch every single one. I make a point to run from them, cause as you said, the amount of balls necessary does not justify having a good beldum.





365114 Asleep at 1hp:



Train a Shedinja, teach it False Swipe. Take a ghost with you who knows Hypnosis. Profit.


i've used this tactic with my gengar and breloom and i still spend around 50 ultraballs each belduns... 1 hp and sleeping.. but if you guys like this, go on.


364790 Yeah, if there's ONE thing regarding wild Pokemon that should be changed from the original game, it's this.


Beldum's 3 catch rate is fine in official games because it has always been either a gift Pokemon, or you have an easy way to get tons of money to waste on tons of balls, not to mention breeding exist.


That's not the case in PRO.


this ^

365138i've used this tactic with my gengar and breloom and i still spend around 50 ultraballs each belduns... 1 hp and sleeping.. but if you guys like this, go on.


this ^

I don't like it to be honest. I usually spend around 10-12 but occasionally I have to waste 30-50 balls.


And yeah I don't disagree with Starlight. The handhelds have lots of balls which makes catching Beldum easier, such as the Timer Ball etc. I'd prefer that or upping the catch rate a little.

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