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So i was training a Sandshrew to level 100, i usually train my pokemon to level 100 first and then evolve it. I haven't played the game in a while until last week. Before i would usually get it to level hundred and do one more battle so that it evolves. Has that been changed now? because my Sandshrew refuses to evolve after a battle at level 100. is it like that for pokemon that needs to be traded? like Golem and Mahchamp? I would really like some help. Can a mod evolve it for me maybe?

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  Ryuukishi said:
365480 So i was training a Sandshrew to level 100, i usually train my pokemon to level 100 first and then evolve it. I haven't played the game in a while until last week. Before i would usually get it to level hundred and do one more battle so that it evolves. Has that been changed now? because my Sandshrew refuses to evolve after a battle at level 100. is it like that for pokemon that needs to be traded? like Golem and Mahchamp? I would really like some help. Can a mod evolve it for me maybe?

- Moved to proper place -


Hi Ryuukishi,

Sorry for the inconvenience here however this has never been a feature in PRO. Once a Pokemon reaches level 100, it is unable to evolve any further. The only exception to this are Pokemon which evolve via Trading or Evolutionary Stones. As mentioned in this post, we are unable to de-level or force evolve your Pokemon. Sadly, you will have to catch another Sandshrew. I recommend evolving it at a lower level, (97/98), to avoid this occurring again.


Quote for reference,

  Shamac said:
183190 Pokemon cannot evolve at level 100 or evolved by mistake

Unfortunately, staff cannot unevolve pokemon so any evolution is final, nor can staff lower a pokemons level, so if it needs to level up to evolve and reaches level 100 there is nothing that can be done and it won't be able to. You will need to make sure every requirement for evolution is met before reaching level 100. (not including evolutions that need trade of evolutionary stones as these can be done at any level)

It's recommended to evolve pokemon around level 97-98 to avoid any unexpected issues

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