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(Fossils!) Aynina's shop & services


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My rules:

1. Auction ends 24 - 48 hours after 1st bid.

2. Contact me in-game or post here.

3. If I'm not happy with the price on the pokemon, I have the right to void the auction.

4. I sometimes end the auction in game, so try make sure you're on if you can.

5. If there's no start price below the picture, it means I don't have a price in mind, so just offer a respectable price. I know some (or most) of my pokes not epic, feel free to offer.

6. Accept candy as 10K, Life orb as 350K, 15 and 30 day ms as 300K - 600K




9735f1f501a34fac9ede1b0ec63143d7.png4858ceffac51471c9f37e6d8c80c5822.png c72a5e8b12644228bec7e0e0701d89b5.png444c4c2330ed49688810804aaf5e4a42.png














a3012c7b7e5f49a8b36a93248e3456ae.png 250K insta




ea07cd72cc6648388bd803a9e6fb1131.png 70K insta






I do Kanto - Jotho dexservice. This means 1-250#id. except 233# (Porygon2) and Legends.

The first 5 data costs 4K/ea, following datas cost 1K/ea.

Contact me in private forum massange, with Poke ID list (eg.: 5, 13, 22-25, 35...)




I may refuse full evo pokemons.

Tank pokemons costs +5%

2.nd evo pokemons (but not full evo) costs +5%


Full Training EV=50k; Half EV=30K

If your Pokemon has unwanted EVs, a cost of 2k per 10 EVs reduction will be charged.

Level gained during the ev service = 1k/lv (If you buy EV and LV servic this price is included in the LV service)

[glow=red]Money back garantee[/glow] if i cant finish in 48h (with 1 or 2 poke) 72h (up 5 poke)

(Price example: lv 25 Dragonair into 98 with full ev= [(24 x 1K) + (48 x 1,5K)] x1,05 and finally the ev +50K = 150,800$)


Status: [glow=red]Bussy[/glow]

Complated jobs:


Jannythegreat; Gulpin level 60 and full EV

Jannythegreat; Tympole level 95 and full EV




Good luck, have :Grin:

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Re: Aynina's shop & services


<r><QUOTE author="jannythegreat"><s>

</s><POST content="366771"><s></s>366771<e></e></POST> its meeeeeeeeeeeee<br/>



Please refrain from spamming other people's threads.</r>

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