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367130 Still got the same problem. :(


I have the same issue and I've tried looking into the issue myself but it's not my strong point and even if I had managed to find a solution I'd have to wait for someone with the ability to edit it to do it, it is something that's trying to be sorted out just not something that many staff can do anything about unfortunately, until then we're stuck with the issue on chrome

371020 Ok then, I should change to Mozilla lol


Not an ideal fix but for now I've found a chrome extension that solves it and I haven't found any issues using it so far

It's called "Stylish" in the chrome store,if you decide to use it

Once installed you'll need to create new style

in the code box put - html { opacity:1 !important; }

in the url box put - pokemonrevolution.net



It can always be turned on and off from the extension on the bar, though I've had no downside to it so far

371020 -snip-

371034 -snip-


html { opacity:1 !important; }


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