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Hello simple but handy suggestion for players looking to get into the competitive scene! Add which ev each pokemon gives in the pokedex summary.




Lets say i am walking through viridian forest on my way to pewter and it just so happens i need 6 evs for my pokemon, im bored, not really interested in my comp but im like "i really need those 6 evs." (and keep in mind during these few moments im encountering random pokemon while debating whether i should ask help chat which pokemon give hp evs or not)


Moments like these would be a great reason for new players to check out the pokemon in the area and see which pokemon gives what evs. Alot of players im sure go full out and finish the comp with the best area giving evs, but for a trader or someone casual like me just being able to check the pokemon in the area for each ev it gives would be great.

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There are maaany poke with same basestats. Which EV I will get in this situation?

With equal stats there will never be more than 1 ev gap, ie if a poke has 2 equal highest stat and is tier 3 evolved it will always give 2 point from one stat and 1 from the other.

Now if you want to know which stat will be prioritized (on which you will get 2 points and on which you will get 1) it's complicated, I admit that I can't tell

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

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