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Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Active family members wanted}

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Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!}


<r>Hello my name is Asad and I would love to join this guild. <E>:Grin:</E> <br/>


1.Can you use discord?<br/>


2.What can you do for our guild(Why would we want you)<br/>

Well that depends on your guild's needs but i am active, friendly and respect everyone. A value that everyone likes about me is that i never give up.<br/>

3.Can you be active on both discord and in game?<br/>


4.What is your favorite pokemon?<br/>

I love all pokemon that are useful but if i had to choose i would say Tyranitar and from legendary Dialga.<br/>

5.How many badges and game play hours do you have?<br/>

I have played approximately 108 hours, have 16 badges and have beaten Johto Elite Four.<br/>


Thank you for giving your valuable time to read this form and i wish you have a good day. <E>:thanks:</E> <br/>

Bye <E>:Grin:</E></r>

Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!}


<r><QUOTE author="asadalimalik" post_id="379172" time="1493351137" user_id="154473"><s>


Hello my name is Asad and I would love to join this guild. <E>:Grin:</E> <br/>


1.Can you use discord?<br/>


2.What can you do for our guild(Why would we want you)<br/>

Well that depends on your guild's needs but i am active, friendly and respect everyone. A value that everyone likes about me is that i never give up.<br/>

3.Can you be active on both discord and in game?<br/>


4.What is your favorite pokemon?<br/>

I love all pokemon that are useful but if i had to choose i would say Tyranitar and from legendary Dialga.<br/>

5.How many badges and game play hours do you have?<br/>

I have played approximately 108 hours, have 16 badges and have beaten Johto Elite Four.<br/>


Thank you for giving your valuable time to read this form and i wish you have a good day. <E>:thanks:</E> <br/>

Bye <E>:Grin:</E><br/>




hey asad thanks for applying for our guild^^ We 100% need people like you who are active and eager. I shall send you the discord link via pm in this site <3 Abd btw both Tyranitar and Dialga are awesome pokes^^</r>

Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!}


<r><B><s></s><FONT font="cursive"><s></s>1.Can you use discord?<e></e></FONT><e></e></B><br/>

Yep i always use discord<br/>


<FONT font="cursive"><s></s>2.What can you do for our guild(Why would we want you)<e></e></FONT><e></e></B><br/>

I know a lot about Pokemon, I'm kind & helpful and I'm a good trainer!!<br/>


<B><s></s><FONT font="cursive"><s></s>3.Can you be active on both discord and in game?<e></e></FONT><e></e></B><br/>

Yeah I pretty much play every day and my phone is always on!<br/>


<FONT font="cursive"><s></s>4.What is your favorite pokemon?<e></e></FONT><e></e></B><br/>

Togetic and Miltank!<br/>


<B><s></s><FONT font="cursive"><s></s>5.How many badges and game play hours do you have?<e></e></FONT><e></e></B><br/>

4 badges, 24 hr 12 min !</r>

Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!}


<r><QUOTE author="maxiemas" post_id="380026" time="1493522103" user_id="1646140"><s>


<B><s></s><FONT font="cursive"><s></s>1.Can you use discord?<e></e></FONT><e></e></B><br/>

Yep i always use discord<br/>


<FONT font="cursive"><s></s>2.What can you do for our guild(Why would we want you)<e></e></FONT><e></e></B><br/>

I know a lot about Pokemon, I'm kind & helpful and I'm a good trainer!!<br/>


<B><s></s><FONT font="cursive"><s></s>3.Can you be active on both discord and in game?<e></e></FONT><e></e></B><br/>

Yeah I pretty much play every day and my phone is always on!<br/>


<FONT font="cursive"><s></s>4.What is your favorite pokemon?<e></e></FONT><e></e></B><br/>

Togetic and Miltank!<br/>


<B><s></s><FONT font="cursive"><s></s>5.How many badges and game play hours do you have?<e></e></FONT><e></e></B><br/>

4 badges, 24 hr 12 min !<br/>




lol maxiemas thank you for applying will invite you right now :3</r>

Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!}


<t>Hey there, I'm Ruce. I'm looking for a community to play this amazing game with and would like to be considered for your guild.<br/>


1. Discord?<br/>

Yep, use it all the time.<br/>


2. What can I do?<br/>

Absolutely nothing!<br/>

I tend to be very active in guilds in a whole range of games, and I understand Pokemon on a semi-competitive level.<br/>


3. Discord+Game<br/>

Yes, I think my potato can handle that.<br/>


4. Favorite Poke?<br/>

Metagross, especially shiny.<br/>


5. Badges and game hours<br/>

23 badges, 94 hours in game.</t>

Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!}


<r><QUOTE author="RuceBandall" post_id="380210" time="1493569278" user_id="1600845"><s>


Hey there, I'm Ruce. I'm looking for a community to play this amazing game with and would like to be considered for your guild.<br/>


1. Discord?<br/>

Yep, use it all the time.<br/>


2. What can I do?<br/>

Absolutely nothing!<br/>

I tend to be very active in guilds in a whole range of games, and I understand Pokemon on a semi-competitive level.<br/>


3. Discord+Game<br/>

Yes, I think my potato can handle that.<br/>


4. Favorite Poke?<br/>

Metagross, especially shiny.<br/>


5. Badges and game hours<br/>

23 badges, 94 hours in game.<br/>




Hey rucebandall thanaks for applying for our guild^^ I'll send you to discord link via pms :3</r>

Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!}


<t>Hi my IGN : Sepatucorp<br/>


1.Can you use discord?<br/>



2.What can you do for our guild<br/>

i have some experience in this game so we can sharing each other about this game and have fun talk about pokemon and other topic<br/>


3.Can you be active on both discord and in game?<br/>

Yes but im not very active in discord<br/>


4.What is your favorite pokemon?<br/>

weaville and blissey<br/>


5.How many badges and game play hours do you have?<br/>

1366 hours completed all badge</t>

[glow=red]My Team[/glow]


politoed-female.gifkingdra.giftangrowth-female.gifdonphan.gifursaring.gif arcanine.gif





Re: Reality recruiting-{Blue Server}-{Events upcoming and happening!!!}


<r><QUOTE author="sepatucorp" post_id="380480" time="1493622164" user_id="1382956"><s>


Hi my IGN : Sepatucorp<br/>


1.Can you use discord?<br/>



2.What can you do for our guild<br/>

i have some experience in this game so we can sharing each other about this game and have fun talk about pokemon and other topic<br/>


3.Can you be active on both discord and in game?<br/>

Yes but im not very active in discord<br/>


4.What is your favorite pokemon?<br/>

weaville and blissey<br/>


5.How many badges and game play hours do you have?<br/>

1366 hours completed all badge<br/>




Hey sepatucorp thanks for applying for our guild man :3 I'll pm you the discord link via pms in this site.</r>

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