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I was fighting one of the bosses, and was on his breloom. I was going to click on items and revive one of my pokemon but suddenly I notice my PRO is frozen. I don't think much of it but PRO just closes itself in the middle of a boss fight. I think the common issue of PRO freezing when clicking on item needs to be fixed.

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Hello Akutowa,


this is actually a common bug when you haven't clicked on your backpack in quite some time if you were hunting and kept running away from the battle; my suggestion is that you click on the backpack once in a while (every 5-10minute) > this will ensure that you don't freeze anymore respectively the freeze time is much shorter.

If you don't click on anything/tab out; the game will just be freeze for a few minutes and will run perfectly after that time; so if a freeze happens just don't click anything and wait maximal 10 minutes.

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