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Friends List - Guild Member - Last active


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I would like to make a suggestion about the Friends List and Guild Member. I think it can be possible technically.


My suggestion is to add the Last active connexion of players in the Friends List and Guild Member:



It could appear like this (in more beautiful of course :Cool:). Or maybe in an other place, but in a place where you can see the Member and the Last active with one view.


The Last active data already exist, we can find it for us on dashboard:



And in forum (only available for forum connexion):



It can be an option to authorise it or not, like forum.


Why this suggestion?

For the Friends List, to help make clean up. I don't want to keep people who are not online since a month for example, so i need to know who continue to play or not.


For Guild members, same reason, to not keep inactive players. We have this issue with our guild, some players are inactive, when we know we turn them from the guild. But, sometimes news players want to join our guild, and we don't really know who is active or inactive.




Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

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  • 3 weeks later...

+1; would love that :3

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