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Eeveelution move relearner


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just a quick question but if I were to keep my eevee unevolved until say level 95, then evolve it into sylveon and go to the move relearner. Will I then be able to choose from all of sylveon's moves from lvl 1-95? Or will they only be moves that eevee had a chance to learn in its unevolved form ? Thanks in advance for any info

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just a quick question but if I were to keep my eevee unevolved until say level 95, then evolve it into sylveon and go to the move relearner. Will I then be able to choose from all of sylveon's moves from lvl 1-95? Or will they only be moves that eevee had a chance to learn in its unevolved form ? Thanks in advance for any info

all sylveon moves but not all eevee moves like baton pass

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