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I play this game since 2016 and obviously it need more things. I was thinking for some update for the guild like:


Guild war (with a pvp ladder and rewards)

Guild private space :Cool: (maybe creating a guild house with shop/pc/hunting areas and something else)

Guild territories (fight guild vs guild to invade enemy)


I think this will make players happy and competitive! I hope you'll enjoy my suggestion and maybe answer here.


Ps. Sorry for my english but i'm not motherlanguage^^

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I play this game since 2016 and obviously it need more things. I was thinking for some update for the guild like:


Guild war (with a pvp ladder and rewards)

Guild private space :Cool: (maybe creating a guild house with shop/pc/hunting areas and something else)

Guild territories (fight guild vs guild to invade enemy)


I think this will make players happy and competitive! I hope you'll enjoy my suggestion and maybe answer here.


Ps. Sorry for my english but i'm not motherlanguage^^


Hello xJekkex,


i like the idea with a guild war and overall guild areas :P

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This is one of the things I find sad in this game: the poor impact of guild in this game.

PRO is supposed to be a MMO, it means interaction with others players. If players stay at long term in a MMO, it's not for the game itself (we do the game, finish it, and go to next game), it's for the guild and news contents. The part of a guild in MMO make a huge difference for the total game time.


In PRO, the guild boils down to :

- 7,5% Bonus XP for 75 members of guild.

- PVP Ladder => For 25% Bonus XP.


Yes, in a guild, you can have advices from others members and others things, but the impact in game is just xp bonus.

But, in reality, guild recruit just a huge number of players for XP Bonus and don't care about the "quality" of their players. You don't need active players, just players in the guild for XP. I admit, for PVP Ladder, you need some active players in PVP to be in top 10 and have bonus (even if just 3-4 players with 4 accounts at 200 rank can be able to be in top 10...).


So, every suggestion to give impact to guild have my support :y:

Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

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