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hey all and before typing anything thnx for paying attention ;)

well i ma here to talk abt the weekly train pass, as for now we only get it from saffron pass so if its over in kanto kinda a pain to renew it so i was thinking maybe u could make in all the 3 regions

2nd weekly pass is soo good and facilitate players daily life for real i was thinking maybe make it mounthly if possible

3rd was thinking if maybe u could like make an npc or a symbol or anything that indicate time left in ur pass


thnx all for reading hoping my ideas were helpfull also if anyone like the idea support it thnx all have a nice day/night

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Hello naser40,


1. Agree, this was a problem with the PVP Coin Master too (I suggested it and it was implemented)

2. This is not possible duo to technical difficulties and as you can see by the dialogues (if they aren't changed yet) those NPCs were meant to be 30 days. :)

3. You can re check your time left with the NPC in Saffron (shouldn't be a big deal as you have the transitpass anyway :P)

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hey all and before typing anything thnx for paying attention ;)

well i ma here to talk abt the weekly train pass, as for now we only get it from saffron pass so if its over in kanto kinda a pain to renew it so i was thinking maybe u could make in all the 3 regions

2nd weekly pass is soo good and facilitate players daily life for real i was thinking maybe make it mounthly if possible

3rd was thinking if maybe u could like make an npc or a symbol or anything that indicate time left in ur pass


thnx all for reading hoping my ideas were helpfull also if anyone like the idea support it thnx all have a nice day/night


1) I agree wth you about the introduction of a NPC in each region to buy the pass

2) The 30days pass would be good, but DEVs already said that it's not possible to introduce it

3) You can check it in saffron easily, but I agree with you that a symbol (like the star of membership) could be added even if it doesnt show the actual time left, it would be useful just to know if the pass is active or not.

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