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Hey Everyone!



I've been playing this game for a long time, and I have racked up 1040 PvP coins. There are many things in the PvP coin store already and I appreciate the gm's hard work into adding more. But I have been waiting for a while for the promised new designs of the pvp cloaks.


Hope they will add them soon :)


Here are some screenshots of them: (they look lit af)















Kibitz the Whale




My Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/c/Kibitz

My Twitch Channel : Twitch.tv/xkibitz



[mention]Kibitz[/mention], as you may noticed the person who worked on the cloaks/hoods stepped down as an Admin/Staff because she had simply no time for it anymore -->

her goodbye post


I just don't have the time. I've been more and more inactive over recent months -since Tournament ended really, I had a lot of real life changes going on, such as moving home following an end to honestly, a not-so-spectacular relationship.


& she also mentioned the new PVP sets in that post


That being said, I did promise to introduce some new cloaks, due to above reasons, I haven't been able to get them finished yet - but I will do this regardless of being a member of staff or not. Just please know it may be a little bit longer, please do be patient, I'll try get them done as soon as I can for you. Once they're done I'll pass them on to Red to be implemented, so I'm not gonna leave you hanging there.
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