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Sleep Clause Clarification


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i want to share my story of pvp-ing regrding this clause, and seeking for legit clearance on this matter.


i battled one of fellow pvp-er, put his already confirmed nat.cure blissey on sleep.

now, i predicted that he was gonna switch out his bliss, then i used spore again.

my prediction was correct, he switched out bliss, entered new poke, immediately hit by spore, thus, sleeping.


naturally, the guy pm-ed and tried to explain that my action was violating sleep clause,

which to my understanding, i was not.


i will quote the rule here:

Regarding Natural Cure- Two Pokemon can be put to sleep if, and only if, the first Pokemon has natural cure (The reverse order would violate the clause as the Natural Cure Pokemon would be on the field asleep with an additional Pokemon being asleep in the party). If you assume a Pokemon has natural cure and you are wrong then you risk being punished for violation.


he then continued to report me, i wasnt worried.

next time i logged in, a message from system appear that i was warned and need to read sleep clause.


slighlty confused and disappointed, i then posted a question regarding the above scenario,

and a moderator answered my question that what i was doing is legal.


so, my guess is, the mod that gave me warning is different man than the one asnwering my question.

bottomline, i just need the confirmation which one is legal/ilegal,

and if in this case i was correct, please remove my warning from the log, as the next warn could mean ban for me.


thx you for reading, and giving answer/opinion.

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Hello [mention]ZeroFortune[/mention],


if the story is correct how you explained it and you are 100% sure that the Blissey is Natural Cure (which in some cases it isn't) then this is clearly a mistake.

You did nothing; I repeat nothing wrong when you slept both pokemon. The only thing that could get you in trouble is when the Blissey/Chansey is not Natural Cure.

In conclusion; you can sleep any Natural Cure pokemon first and then Sleep another pokemon, but the other way around is against the rules (e.g Sleep Gliscor and then Sleep Blissey).

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you can post a complaint here --> General Complaint Area.

I really suggest you post it here and get that warning of your record. :P

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Next time a player complaint about the Sleep Clause in the same case, ask him to show the PKM :Light:


One member of my guild on Yellow has the same issue with one player, and the player refused to show his Blissey and my guild's friend was reported and ban. After a talk with the GM, the player has Natural Cure on his Blissey, so he was unban. So, next time, ask the player to show the PKM, one player on Yellow (i don't remember the nickname i never remember xD) doesn't hesitate to pm to cry about the Sleep Clause and report when it's not.

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Also, I already questions the staff about this exact same stuff.

First of the fact you got told by one of them that you didnt made any mistake while another one muted you is totally normal.

The admins tend to say different things from one to the others because when a case is a bit to much technic , they usually can be lost and their reactions is sometimes hard to explain, keep in mind some of them are also unexperienced , so its normal they does mistakes.


Also, do not listen to the people who tell you to ask your opposent to show you his blissey, this is stupid as by showing you it, you wont only confirm the natural cure but u'll also see the moveset/evs/ivs/PPs of the pokemon which give you at once to much information when the only one that matter is natural cure, so its obvious your opposent will refuse it.

In that situation there's only one thing to do is actually to ask him following this way : " hello is your blissey natural cure " if the guy say yes , make a screenshot , just in case and do your sleep. If then he lie to you, you've the proof of his lie, so you wont be punished ( I advise you to make a counter-report right away , to be safe, because the admins first punish and then after that they discuss if the punishement was deserved with the guilty member, yes its weird but its how they works so you have to deal with it, and react accordingly ).


In the case that the guy refuse to answer you about if it's natural cure or not :

I advise you to message him again tellin' him that regarding the rules, especially the sleep cause condition, without that information, you cant be sure that if you are allowed to sleep another pokemon, so he should answer you. If he refuses again, feel free to just sleep right away assuming he does have natural cure as he refuse to answer , and in the case his blissey werent natural cure he's the one guilty for that since he refused to bring you the information that avoid a sleep cause ban. Here take a screenshot aswell just in case

If he refuse to answer you, as its your only way to know that information , that means he want to use the sleep cause violation at his advantage, that's malicious and is punishable.


I hope that gonna help you, for your future pvps.

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Hello [mention]ZeroFortune[/mention] ,

When you got reported, the evidence provided there weren't enough to prove you were breaking a PvP rule but were neither proving you were innocent. The evidence were insufficient and therefore no action could be taken. The only reason you received a warning was to help you in case you didn't know the rules and were indeed violating the sleep clause. If you hadn't understood the rules correctly and were breaking a PvP rule, a report with sufficient evidence would lead to your ban. That's why i gave you a warning, to read and be sure of the rules (in case you weren't) to avoid this situation.

Furthermore this warning will not affect your future punishments ( if there are any of course ). Upon breaking a PvP rule, you are punished with a temporary ban since you should have read the PvP rules before playing. You aren't warned about it first.

To sum up, your warning was only to help you in case you had misunderstood the rules and will not affect any possible future punishments.




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oh, thank you @St4rlord for clearing this.

Glad to hear that warning is simply positive reinforcement, not the warning for future ban.

(not planning to get bnned ofc)


thank everyone for the answers and explanation.

appreciate it.


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You are welcome :)

Since everything is clear now i will lock this topic.


Have a nice day :Smile:




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