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xD I've seen you fighting for these sableyes

To feel fear, is caused by an incomplete heart, the emotion of fear can not be controlled by the will, you can strengthen will with wisdom. "Emotions, will, wisdom" ... if you can use them as support for each one, then you are complete


(Sentir miedo, es causado por un corazón incompleto, la emoción de miedo no puede ser controlada por la voluntad, puedes fortalecer voluntad con sabiduría. "Emociones, voluntad, sabiduría"... si puedes usarlos como apoyo a cada uno, entonces estás completo.)

1 month ago I'm looking for sableye h.a ... I've been in all areas for farm and it takes at least 5-6 hours to get 1 single sableye ... I understand that the rate of pokemon is low but it is too much, I would like it Please raise the rate a little more.

:thanks: :confused: :y:


Ive got a really good one in 30 min lol, if you want i can farm you one :P what server are you on ?

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1 month ago I'm looking for sableye h.a ... I've been in all areas for farm and it takes at least 5-6 hours to get 1 single sableye ... I understand that the rate of pokemon is low but it is too much, I would like it Please raise the rate a little more.

:thanks: :confused: :y:


you are right, they should at least increase spawn in ms zones :S

Yuck. Don't need an annoying PVP pokemon to be easier to get. The last thing I want to see is a Sableye on every team, taunting and burning me. :Angry:



"Don't need an annoying PVP pokemon to be easier to get"

Sableye can die of a moonblast in addition to a magic bounce completely disable it ... I do not see it "annoying" ... it is a poke with extremely low stats, and I do not want it to come out "easy" I just want them to increase one Bit more rate at least in ms zones :Bored:

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