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Kinda disappointed with a guild scene


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As the title says I am kinda disappointed how guild scene works around here. Last time I was a guild owner somewhere else we had regular guild hunting seasons, very rich giveaways, wars, battle with other leaders and lots more. I am feeling that those are lacking here. I never wanted to be a part of a guild in PRO due to my role and very busy schedule but I can see the issue clearly.


I am yet to see an instance where one larger guild merges with several others into one larger guild. What's current limit? 75? No one said you cant have more than one guild where each one has different squad of users such as PvP, collections and grinders. I will ask for the number to be increased though.


I also notice some of the leaders are great battlers and have big knowledge about the game but they are kinda disconnected from their members and duties. I wont name the guild but there has been instances of guild owner complaining that other guild is taking their members. Now my question is? Why would that happen? You need to have a bond with the member and not a disconnect. I do must admit that I saw a good bound in the guild that recently had some of their higher ups banned/unbanned. I won't name the guilds because I don't want it to look that I might be having some favorites. I am not a member of any guild nor I am planning to be. You are all equal to me.


If you guys need any help from staff feel free to address the concerns. I am sure we can help this way or another with rewarding and organizations. I do expect some major guild wars to happen and it would be really good to see it happening.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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Re: Kinda disappointed on a guild scene


<t>Kinda like that part of he statement.<br/>


" Last time I was a guild owner somewhere else we had regular guild hunting seasons, very rich giveaways, wars, battle with other leaders and lots more. I am feeling that those are lacking here. "<br/>


For the little story I start'd the game a year ago, and since this day I always want'd guild wars, something like a competition between guilds , that I could take part once I would become good in PvP.<br/>

So I let you imagine my disapointment when I noticied the only kind of competition the guild had between them was either by recruiting 54565465 good players to be the one at the top of the guild ladder season , or by bullying each others and other malicious statement from one guild toward another To take them down...<br/>


I want'd to know [mention]Red[/mention] if, there would be a chance for the PRO Staff to make that kind of competition for the guilds, with a ranking where X amount of guilds fight each others in BO1/BO3 in a 5playersvs5players or 7playersvs7players format during a whole season ( with or without playoff at the end ) .<br/>


I think it would be way more interesting to have the guilds to fight like that, rather than fight by bullying each others or by making ALT accounts to push up the guild points, as its actually the only kind of competition where the PvP Players can " try hard "to help their guild.<br/>


I believe a competition like in football or something could make everyone relax about that guild ladder points which actually doesnt proove anything, and the PvP players will have their chance to fully express themself in a guild vs guild competition.</t>

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Re: Kinda disappointed on a guild scene


<t>I'm guessing each guild has its own internal events exclusive for their members, so I'm just gonna focus on GvG (Guild versus Guild) aspect of this game.<br/>


A guild should not be responsible to organize a GvG event. It sure can, but who's gonna finance it ? Some poor generous souls ? It also takes a tremendous amount of effort in the organization of the event itself (schedules, communication with other leaders, members, etc). Also if there'd be some kind of disagreement mid-event, they'd be hard to be forgotten which just adds hostility between guilds. I know I shouldn't expect worst case scenarios, but we humans are controversials beings, it would happen sooner or later. What I'm trying to say is that it's not sustainable, in my opinion at least. Someone taking a bullet I don't call it sustainable, that's why I always congratulate whoever tries to make/organize an unofficial event, because I wouldn't do it.<br/>


Moving to the part where PRO contributes to GvG, I'd say almost 0. Forgive me if I'm being unfair, but I don't think there was ever an official GvG event. In fact, the only GvG aspect of PRO I see is the guild ladder, which is flawed. Counting the points of every single member is not a good method to measure the pvp quality of said guild, mostly measures the quantity. I've already said this somewhere else, but in my opinion the only points that should count for the guild ladder should be the top5 (or 10 or whatever value you seem appropriate) members of each guild. Stops measuring quantity and heavily favours quality, and it also helps grow some healthy internal pvp competition.<br/>


And you say you wanna increase the member cap for each guild ? That's just gonna monopolize (even more) the guild scene, where bigger guilds get bigger and bigger and the small ones just disappear, because everyone wants to join the big ones, following the flow. It's not a policy I can agree on.<br/>

I don't see why you'd be disappointed because staff has shown the same amount of effort as the community to stimulate the GvG scene. Hell, if someone's gotta take the first push, it's the staff, not the community. If you show iniciative, I'm sure everyone will join up because you're the ones organizing it, and having an official event has exponentially more impact than an unofficial one.<br/>


If after the first step/official event, the community goes back to their old boring ways, then I can understand your disappointment. Both the community and staff have been lackluster in this regard, I would also enjoy some GvG action and get out of my daily PRO routine. I'm sure no one would be against that. Thank you for posting this topic, acknowledging the issue so it can be discussed.</t>

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Reborn just had a decent GvG event going but some big guilds couldnt/didnt wanna make it.


You guys could easily get this thing going with better rewards or rewards at all for gvgs, because right now everything gets done trough donations.


I like that you made this thread to get the ball rolling, but i still remember the pvp reward thread and all the suggestion, which were made by the community.


Guess how that worked out? Still the same old *now useless* 500 coins as reward ;)


P.S : There is hostility between guilds, cause no1 knows who and how many staffs are in certain guilds aswell, so there is a trust issue given


Check out these nice shops: Reborn's Shop | Gambilicious's Shop | Walrosskastanie's Shop

Discord tag: Gambilicious#4818

Check out our guild thread, if you are looking for a guild!

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Re: Kinda disappointed on a guild scene


<r><QUOTE author="FlaFlaPT" post_id="398362" time="1497560048" user_id="1482201"><s>


I'm guessing each guild has its own internal events exclusive for their members, so I'm just gonna focus on GvG (Guild versus Guild) aspect of this game.<br/>


A guild should not be responsible to organize a GvG event. It sure can, but who's gonna finance it ? Some poor generous souls ? It also takes a tremendous amount of effort in the organization of the event itself (schedules, communication with other leaders, members, etc). Also if there'd be some kind of disagreement mid-event, they'd be hard to be forgotten which just adds hostility between guilds. I know I shouldn't expect worst case scenarios, but we humans are controversials beings, it would happen sooner or later. What I'm trying to say is that it's not sustainable, in my opinion at least. Someone taking a bullet I don't call it sustainable, that's why I always congratulate whoever tries to make/organize an unofficial event, because I wouldn't do it.<br/>


Moving to the part where PRO contributes to GvG, I'd say almost 0. Forgive me if I'm being unfair, but I don't think there was ever an official GvG event. In fact, the only GvG aspect of PRO I see is the guild ladder, which is flawed. Counting the points of every single member is not a good method to measure the pvp quality of said guild, mostly measures the quantity. I've already said this somewhere else, but in my opinion the only points that should count for the guild ladder should be the top5 (or 10 or whatever value you seem appropriate) members of each guild. Stops measuring quantity and heavily favours quality, and it also helps grow some healthy internal pvp competition.<br/>


And you say you wanna increase the member cap for each guild ? That's just gonna monopolize (even more) the guild scene, where bigger guilds get bigger and bigger and the small ones just disappear, because everyone wants to join the big ones, following the flow. It's not a policy I can agree on.<br/>

I don't see why you'd be disappointed because staff has shown the same amount of effort as the community to stimulate the GvG scene. Hell, if someone's gotta take the first push, it's the staff, not the community. If you show iniciative, I'm sure everyone will join up because you're the ones organizing it, and having an official event has exponentially more impact than an unofficial one.<br/>


If after the first step/official event, the community goes back to their old boring ways, then I can understand your disappointment. Both the community and staff have been lackluster in this regard, I would also enjoy some GvG action and get out of my daily PRO routine. I'm sure no one would be against that. Thank you for posting this topic, acknowledging the issue so it can be discussed.




This, in a nutshell.</r>

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You are doing nothing more than promoting toxicity and flaming staff and other users with your posts in this, and other topics you have commented on recently. Please, stop spreading negativity in threads that do not need it.





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Shane ends pvp seasons. However, I will go around and ask for reviewing and what can possibly be added/changed for pvp coin shop.


What I miss are good old-school guild wars for mostly bragging rights. It is natural that situation between top guilds is always tense. If one guild wants to make a war with another one especially top one, they should not lower their tail and ignore the declaration. Guild wars are part of mostly every community.


As for expanding the cap it is currently 75 I believe. I don't think increasing it to 100 or so would hurt. After all, you don't accept everyone. I did had several reports about cap being too small though.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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You are doing nothing more than promoting toxicity and flaming staff and other users with your posts in this, and other topics you have commented on recently. Please, stop spreading negativity in threads that do not need it.


What is your goddamn problem?


Iam legit just stating facts and telling him whats going on.


Try to be a justice warrior somewhere else holy hell


Check out these nice shops: Reborn's Shop | Gambilicious's Shop | Walrosskastanie's Shop

Discord tag: Gambilicious#4818

Check out our guild thread, if you are looking for a guild!

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Niko please implement a battle tower! (like the one in the "game that must not be named"). Like full party survival streaks, half party, different game modes that i'm not creative enough to think of :|.


You could also implement a guild challenge sort of thing in it, where guilds register teams to compete vs strong NPC battlers and which ever team wins at the end of a season gets their own guild house(team, not guild. maybe max 5 players per team, but all 5 members must be from the same guild. What I mean by this is, dont make it a summation of every player in the guild, but rather the team that gets the most points) until the next winner comes along and kicks them out.


As far as I can see right now tournaments are limited to within guilds only. Add to that I am yet to see a (large scale) tournament where there is an entrance fee that would be added to prize pool eventually. The sort of cultures we had in that game that must not be mentioned.

mLcUOgl - Imgur.png

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