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Mega Evolution


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Yes that's true [mention]Kanishka[/mention] however think about the other situations it will be used in. It will be overused in pvp and against npcs which defeats the purpose of a challenge. I prefer the game to stay as it is without megas just like how you can't use fly outside of battle





Kibitz the Whale




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The Litwick selling NPC, in pokemon Tower, and his brother or friend give a mega evolution item sometime in the future. So there must be some kind of plan. Though, in the "read before suggesting" thread it states there are not any plans to give access to all Megas. Unless it's just another Masterball troll, the npc clearly states he will give us a mega item, just not yet. Perhaps it'll be just a mega starter or something.

My Life is a Video Game.



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Please read this before making suggestion :



Making all or more legendaries and Mega Evolutions obtainable or tradeable is rejected, non-negotiable. "PRO allows players to catch certain legendary Pokemon with 600 base stat totals or below. Any legendary Pokemon with higher base stat totals will never be obtainable for players.

In PRO, legendaries are considered rare rewards that players can only obtain after completing long quest-lines or occasionally as large event rewards, both needing investment of enough time and effort to achieve.

We purposely will not make them readily obtainable like other games might - our goal is to keep legendaries unique and properly "legendary," so it doesn't make sense to compare PRO to other Pokemon games in that regard.


Additionally, legendaries will always be untradeable. This was the compromise that allows them to be in-game without melting the game's economy. We already had a well structured and thought out discussion even before starting to make PRO even (2 years ago) regarding legends and this plan wont change due to the MMO structure."




Also, about your English, Its makes me laugh XD


You suggest the author to read a topic that you obviously haven't read yourself. It doesn't talk about Mega Evolutions in that topic. Mega pokemon have their own rulings, they are not legendary and WILL be implemented, confirmed by almost all staff, but it will take a long time.

Second, you judge the author's english when you yourself don't know how to speak properly English (Its makes me laugh).

Next time, don't try to be a smart***, you just embarass yourself.


About the topic, as mentioned above though, it's been suggested and discussed countless times. Mega evolutions will come but it will take a long time to do so.

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Just to clarify, megas don't currently work at all, although the megas themselves are in the game it's trying to implement the mega evolution process that's the issue.

The megas bosses and staff may have are permanent megas, for example there isnt a charizard that mega evolves and then changes back after, it's always mega charizard y.

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