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Avoiding afk timer?


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I saw someone post something about having a macro to walk around a pokecenter for them so they don't get kicked for afk, could that get you banned?


Yes and I reported people who did that, they are now all banned. The rules are very strict in that matter :p

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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I saw someone post something about having a macro to walk around a pokecenter for them so they don't get kicked for afk, could that get you banned?


Yes and I reported people who did that, they are now all banned. The rules are very strict in that matter :p


Ah ok, it seemed like a silly thing to do I'm not sure why even bother doing that.

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[mention]Unmortal[/mention], high requirements for legendary pokemon/bosses for example; I don't know what the motivation is behind it but if you ever see someone like that; straight up report it, those people tend to do more shady stuff as well and it's against the ToS of PRO. :p

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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@Unmortal, high requirements for legendary pokemon/bosses for example; I don't know what the motivation is behind it but if you ever see someone like that; straight up report it, those people tend to do more shady stuff as well and it's against the ToS of PRO. :p

Ahhh ok makes sense. I'm working on my dex to get to Mew and I knew it took a lot of hours but I didn't even think of that lol, I'd rather just play the game and get my dream team ready. Thanks man!

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I saw someone post something about having a macro to walk around a pokecenter for them so they don't get kicked for afk, could that get you banned?


The amount of time it will take you to properly find any epic/shiny Pokemon should be enough and there's always something to do so don't sweat the time.


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I saw someone post something about having a macro to walk around a pokecenter for them so they don't get kicked for afk, could that get you banned?


The amount of time it will take you to properly find any epic/shiny Pokemon should be enough and there's always something to do so don't sweat the time.


Yep, I'm not worried, I found a really good tympole I wanna level up now, and I always find more to do.

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