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I am someone who has been around online gaming for a decent amount of time and I'll say this. I have owned gaming communities (Mostly consisting of minecraft and custom made Gmod servers (GmodZ represent)) But I have to point something out that I saw recently that really just ticked me off. Whenever someone makes a complaint for a bug or something of that nature. Please be respectful. That means don't trash talk the developers that have put in so much work to give you a game that you can play for FREE! As someone who has had to previously spend hours on hours to provide worthwhile content for users I know how bad under-appreciation feels. These guys put in a lot of work for you guys and I only ask that you give them the thanks and respect that they deserve and whenever you have a complaint there is nothing wrong about posting it. But theres no need to be rude whilst doing it. Thank you for reading. I just felt that this should be said from someone watching from the outside.


on a side note.


[glow=red]THANK YOU DEVS <3[/glow]



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Yep thats true many player dont think before posting problems ia agree and this is a good fan game plus the staff working hard in sinoh so beside the other bug or proble is a extra work for them but they didnt mind to solve any issue so i am respect them with my heart love u guys just keep it up

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