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Everything posted by Comradesteaky

  1. Would be rad fashionista wise. But wouldnt it be even cooler if...
  2. It only happens mid battle. So if you gotta leave or something do it outside of battle.
  3. I see this as a simple addition so +1 for sure
  4. Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (WIP Rewards: please comment your rewards) <t>Just got 25k and master ball!!</t>
  5. I do agree just depends if its too much added for the game. But I would love for there to be more music. That would be awesome.
  6. Welcome to PRO! I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends!
  7. Welcome to PRO! I hope you enjoy your time here
  8. You need to chill out my friend. He got close and linked the post. You got 200. Be happy.
  9. Dubbed so i can multitask
  10. Thats really unfortunate.. thats a rough bug if im honest
  11. Ugh darn I have work at 4 (24 hours after this is posted) Hopefully there are still some left in an hour when I get back! If not good luck everyone!!
  12. Except if you only play for fun and don't want non enjoyable 30 minutes long battles vs stall. Then play unranked?
  13. 100% agree with this. scrolling is always a pain and im never able to see item descriptions.
  14. Its not necessary but it would be a convenience. Part of me feels it would take away part of the game but part of me feels it would make the game less repetitive at times. Oh well. Guess we will just have to see!
  15. Re: Complete Johto Walkthrough <t>Thank you for the hard work!</t>
  16. Chill out with being so passive aggressive. That wasnt really helpful at all and was also putting a lot of dirt on the staff members that work hard to give you the privilege of playing this game. As far as the issue at hand. If messing around with leadership status on certain players wont work you'll just have to be patient until a staff member can handle the issue at hand. I haven't seen any fix for this. I wish I could help but I honestly have no knowledge of this bug.
  17. I love the artists. I am honestly curious if I got my hands on a miror B sprite if they would implement it. If they did oml. I would go insane. Anyhow. They really do a good job of making this game aesthetically pleasing and no matter how many times you played the original game it still feels fresh and fun.
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