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Hi im new to the forums and forums in general


Make a green server that only has generation 1-5 pokemon. I think many people would like to see the pokemon animations of pokemon black/white/black2/white2/ instead of having gen 6 pokemon to make the battle screen more alive.


Have all generations 1-5 in one giant region like unova? Or possibly a new region


Also let us start with any starter pokemon, charmander bulbasaur and squirtle get old

No. Already after the division into 3 servers, the number of players in the rarity does not exceed 1825, so the next server, the more a separate region is superfluous. The second thing is that the PRO is not adjusted under Unova and Kalos, so there is rather no expectation of these regions, although it is unclear what the staff is up to. As our predecessors wrote, we do not need new servers, just more updates, repaired abilities and moves.



[glow=blue]-Moved to Proper Place-[/glow]


Hey there Rau7, and thank you for taking your time to make a suggestion.

As for now it is not necessary to implement another server as the current servers have enough space for the current amount of players, if you desire to start over fresh you can start a new account or go to a different server, but remember to keep the number of accounts you create within the rules. There is also a really detailed post about the subject of more servers that explains things in regards to the servers pretty well. That being said, I will now lock the thread. Thanks for taking your time to make a suggestion, and I hope you have a great week! :)


Until we meet again.

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