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A topic that has crossed all our minds



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Now, before i get into this suggestion, I must state that I do want people to discuss these points. If you do respond however, READ this post and THINK about my points. This is a topic on Breeding in Pokemon Revolution (yes breeding, the topic that has become an instant shutdown whenever brought up). I must make this clear from the beginning: I agree that a straight implementation of breeding will ruin the game, it has the strong ability to unbalance an MMO game and make other aspects worthless. However, as stated before, 'Breeding will never be implemented, unless done right'. Unless done right. This is breeding DONE RIGHT.


I will break down my suggestion into parts. If you like/dislike a point, or have an argument why something wont work, please post specifying what part specifically. First and foremost there are several key points that are required to balance breeding. If a pokemon game has breeding there's too much of a chance that it is the most overpowered way to get pokemon, or it is so under powered no one uses it. The following will make it a great medium.


1. Breeding two pokemon must result in both the parents disappearing forever. This is by far the most important feature. Yes its sad, a baby pokemon to grow up that will never know of its parents. :Frown: This ultimately stops people from mass breeding rare pokemon, causing them to no longer be rare. It also stops pokemon with good IVs being bred continuously. And, it gives some cleanup to the mass number of pokemon in the world. The are constantly being captured and the only way to get rid of them is to abandon them at a computer, this gives an extra feature of mass pokemon cleanup.


2. IVs, natures, ability, and gender are all to be RANDOM. This is another key feature. Next up I will discuss the ability to pass down select stats (ie ability to make a 1x31 IV/natured pokemon OR a 2x31 IV pokemon) but well get to that later. This is what stops people from being able to breed the ultimate pokemon. By randomizing the pokemons stats, you are just as well off going and catching a fresh one in the wild. This is what brings all the overpowered stuff away from breeding, but as i stated well put a little bit back, otherwise theres pretty much no reason to even breed right? On a side note - I have seen suggestions about the ability capsule being added, and it would fit well with this suggestion.


3. Ability to pass down one selected IV from a parent or the Nature. This is what makes breeding useful again. Like normal pokemon games, you can guarantee some of the parents stats to transfer to their baby. This will be done by having the parent hold a specific item (remember that the parent will be lost after breeding, so the item will as well). In normal games to pass down a nature, the parent with the desired nature would hold an everstone. This will still work great, and Pokemon Revolution should allow a parent holding the everstone a 100% chance to pass down that nature. Everstones should naturally be a rare item, to be found rarely off wild Geodudes and Gravelers. This allows them to be a rare sought after item that will always keep players hunting.

For passing down IVs, the parent with the desired IV would hold a different item, which is topic for debate. Implementing power items (ie Power Weight, Power Anklet, ect) would work well, although I do have another approach i think will work well, but I'm going to put it in a spoiler below because its really a suggestion on top of a suggestion. Going on, remember that all other IVs will be RANDOM. This only will allow you to breed a guaranteed 1x31 IV/natured pokemon OR a 2x31 IV pokemon. This means a good amount of the time wild captured pokemon will have a stronger average IV spred, you will not be able to breed an overpowered pokemon.


This is about my suggestion on an IV hold item to carry a parents IV to their baby. A berry. It may seem weird at first because berries are usually not a highly anticipated and sought after item but I feel it would work well in this whole theory. There are some berries that do nothing other than the pokeblock/poffin stuff from the gameboy games (example: berries #27-35). Six of these berries can be edited to cause the parent to pass down an IV stat, one for each stat of course. These berries can also have select spawns around the world, with only 1-2 spawning, which would work well with the current berry system. You would only be able to harvest 1-2 of the every few days. This would make these berries valuable and we would see players not only farming them for themselves but also to sell in trade chat. Taking this one step further, we could even add an on use effect to them, using it on a pokemon grants them +5 EV points in their respective EV. This effect would make them even MORE valuable and keep the stock of them down. They would be like a micro vitamin that you can go farm yourself every few days.


Note: this is just a thought I really like and not TRULY part of this whole suggestion



4. Breeding Pokemon needs to take a good period of time. There should only be one breeding center in the whole pokemon revolution world, and you cant breed again until your most recent breeding egg has hatched. In my opinion breeding (the love making portion) should take 1-2 hours in game (depending on the pokemon bred, rares take longer of course), before the breeder hands you over the egg. After receiving the egg you must keep it in your party for 3-6 hours in game (again, depending on the pokemon bred, rares take longer) before it will hatch into your new pokemon. When that egg hatches you should be excited and feel like you achieved something for your wait. This will also help balance out breeding, to be honest you'll most likely be able to catch a wild pokemon with a better average IV spread than the one you bred in the time it takes to hatch, but at least your new pokemon has specific stats you desire and egg moves (will get to this part soon).


5. Breeding should cost a bit, but not be a major gold sink. With this suggestion, we want people to breed. In my opinion 2k-3k would be a perfect cost to pay the breeder to breed to pokemon. This would make it a decent gold sink, something people will spend their earned money on, without making people stray from breeding because its too expensive. Remember, most breeders will want to be attaching items that will be lost, that will cost them time or money to earn.


6. Egg moves will be here! I've read that devs are considering tutors to teach egg moves. Why do that when we can breed them ourselves now? Yay! Egg moves should be passable down from both males and females however, just to simplify things.


This is my suggestion. I like simple, and feel this is simple straightforward breeding, I don't like implementations that are drastic or make little sense. It will not take away from the thrill of hunting strong wild pokemon. It will not cause rare pokemon to become bred into abundance. It will not allow you to breed an overpowered pokemon. It will give this game something amazing, make players happy, and give even more depth to this great game. What is a pokemon game without breeding? (inb4 BREEDING WILL NEVER BE ADDED)

This is I hope the suggestion that many have considered, but haven't been able to balance right. I ask those of you who want this game to excel to further heights, out of the beta, discuss this with an open mind and post your concerns and thoughts. I will state it again: Breeding done right. Breeding can be great, even in an MMO form, it can be balanced and a great alternative to catching pokemon. You can breed your adamant Ghastly with 31 Spatk with a Modest Ghastly and a terrible IV spread, to make a 31 Spatk Modest Ghastly. Sure it will take time to do, and, seeing as the rest of the stats are random - he could still come out crap. But I ask you: is it a risk you're willing to take?

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Zezu, I read your post and thank you for having concerns about breeding. I do feel that some of your points however can be better, and this is why I am posting these ideas. I truly feel this is a perfect form of breeding that the Devs should consider. It sticks true to pokemon breeding and balances it with the MMO scene.

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A big no from me, its sounds cool and all, but ppl always find the way to take advantage of the minimal errors, just look what happened to a similar game that I'm not going to mention here. PRO doesnt need a breeding system at all, hunting is fun, economy is ok, if they are going to add more things to the game I prefer more content-regions-quests-pvp rather than a breeding system (that will take a lot of time to finish too). About egg moves, more simple, add a egg move tutor through a quest or something like that, no need breeding for that. Good ideas, but as a personal opinion, pro doesnt need breeding system :Angel:

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Tbh and to be real.. hunting is not fun, i found 21 charmanders and only 4 of them were good, and the 20th was the best one. But sadly they will not add breeding no matter how good our suggestions is soon they will lock this topic .



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I'll make a statement for myself why I agree on the fact that breeding should never be a thing, and should remain that way.


I know that there has been a lot of people who really want it to be added, whilst we stated that we won't be adding it, ever.


Our game concept is formed in a way that players should work hard, to get good pokémon, and should grind hard, to complete the game.

So hunting is what makes this game what it is, therefor it wouldn't fit into our game for this matter as a first,

and as a second thing - economies die when breeding gets overused. This has been shown by the other less well controled MMO's out there.

We have worked on plenty of money sinks, which makes it able to make our economy stay stable, and have people grind a very long time for a lot of cash to get very good pokémon, which in my opinion sounds very reasonable.


Another thing is the competitive part that we are working on that will suffer under breeding ingame - as people will be busy breeding all day and have stronger competitive pokémon to offer, which will eventually make our economy break because of the price differentials. Pokémon itself is made to explore, and catch pokémon whilst competing with them. This is exactly what we have tried to create in PRO. And it turned out quite well.


- I do respect your vision on the things you listed and your opinion. But I'd say no breeding will make our game be more entertaining to play and grind on.


Best regards, Sinnay

Don't be like that.

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53638 Now, before i get into this suggestion, I must state that I do want people to discuss these points. If you do respond however, READ this post and THINK about my points. This is a topic on Breeding in Pokemon Revolution (yes breeding, the topic that has become an instant shutdown whenever brought up). I must make this clear from the beginning: I agree that a straight implementation of breeding will ruin the game, it has the strong ability to unbalance an MMO game and make other aspects worthless. However, as stated before, 'Breeding will never be implemented, unless done right'. Unless done right. This is breeding DONE RIGHT.


I will break down my suggestion into parts. If you like/dislike a point, or have an argument why something wont work, please post specifying what part specifically. First and foremost there are several key points that are required to balance breeding. If a pokemon game has breeding there's too much of a chance that it is the most overpowered way to get pokemon, or it is so under powered no one uses it. The following will make it a great medium.


1. Breeding two pokemon must result in both the parents disappearing forever. This is by far the most important feature. Yes its sad, a baby pokemon to grow up that will never know of its parents. :Frown: This ultimately stops people from mass breeding rare pokemon, causing them to no longer be rare. It also stops pokemon with good IVs being bred continuously. And, it gives some cleanup to the mass number of pokemon in the world. The are constantly being captured and the only way to get rid of them is to abandon them at a computer, this gives an extra feature of mass pokemon cleanup.


2. IVs, natures, ability, and gender are all to be RANDOM. This is another key feature. Next up I will discuss the ability to pass down select stats (ie ability to make a 1x31 IV/natured pokemon OR a 2x31 IV pokemon) but well get to that later. This is what stops people from being able to breed the ultimate pokemon. By randomizing the pokemons stats, you are just as well off going and catching a fresh one in the wild. This is what brings all the overpowered stuff away from breeding, but as i stated well put a little bit back, otherwise theres pretty much no reason to even breed right? On a side note - I have seen suggestions about the ability capsule being added, and it would fit well with this suggestion.


3. Ability to pass down one selected IV from a parent or the Nature. This is what makes breeding useful again. Like normal pokemon games, you can guarantee some of the parents stats to transfer to their baby. This will be done by having the parent hold a specific item (remember that the parent will be lost after breeding, so the item will as well). In normal games to pass down a nature, the parent with the desired nature would hold an everstone. This will still work great, and Pokemon Revolution should allow a parent holding the everstone a 100% chance to pass down that nature. Everstones should naturally be a rare item, to be found rarely off wild Geodudes and Gravelers. This allows them to be a rare sought after item that will always keep players hunting.

For passing down IVs, the parent with the desired IV would hold a different item, which is topic for debate. Implementing power items (ie Power Weight, Power Anklet, ect) would work well, although I do have another approach i think will work well, but I'm going to put it in a spoiler below because its really a suggestion on top of a suggestion. Going on, remember that all other IVs will be RANDOM. This only will allow you to breed a guaranteed 1x31 IV/natured pokemon OR a 2x31 IV pokemon. This means a good amount of the time wild captured pokemon will have a stronger average IV spred, you will not be able to breed an overpowered pokemon.


This is about my suggestion on an IV hold item to carry a parents IV to their baby. A berry. It may seem weird at first because berries are usually not a highly anticipated and sought after item but I feel it would work well in this whole theory. There are some berries that do nothing other than the pokeblock/poffin stuff from the gameboy games (example: berries #27-35). Six of these berries can be edited to cause the parent to pass down an IV stat, one for each stat of course. These berries can also have select spawns around the world, with only 1-2 spawning, which would work well with the current berry system. You would only be able to harvest 1-2 of the every few days. This would make these berries valuable and we would see players not only farming them for themselves but also to sell in trade chat. Taking this one step further, we could even add an on use effect to them, using it on a pokemon grants them +5 EV points in their respective EV. This effect would make them even MORE valuable and keep the stock of them down. They would be like a micro vitamin that you can go farm yourself every few days.


Note: this is just a thought I really like and not TRULY part of this whole suggestion



4. Breeding Pokemon needs to take a good period of time. There should only be one breeding center in the whole pokemon revolution world, and you cant breed again until your most recent breeding egg has hatched. In my opinion breeding (the love making portion) should take 1-2 hours in game (depending on the pokemon bred, rares take longer of course), before the breeder hands you over the egg. After receiving the egg you must keep it in your party for 3-6 hours in game (again, depending on the pokemon bred, rares take longer) before it will hatch into your new pokemon. When that egg hatches you should be excited and feel like you achieved something for your wait. This will also help balance out breeding, to be honest you'll most likely be able to catch a wild pokemon with a better average IV spread than the one you bred in the time it takes to hatch, but at least your new pokemon has specific stats you desire and egg moves (will get to this part soon).


5. Breeding should cost a bit, but not be a major gold sink. With this suggestion, we want people to breed. In my opinion 2k-3k would be a perfect cost to pay the breeder to breed to pokemon. This would make it a decent gold sink, something people will spend their earned money on, without making people stray from breeding because its too expensive. Remember, most breeders will want to be attaching items that will be lost, that will cost them time or money to earn.


6. Egg moves will be here! I've read that devs are considering tutors to teach egg moves. Why do that when we can breed them ourselves now? Yay! Egg moves should be passable down from both males and females however, just to simplify things.


This is my suggestion. I like simple, and feel this is simple straightforward breeding, I don't like implementations that are drastic or make little sense. It will not take away from the thrill of hunting strong wild pokemon. It will not cause rare pokemon to become bred into abundance. It will not allow you to breed an overpowered pokemon. It will give this game something amazing, make players happy, and give even more depth to this great game. What is a pokemon game without breeding? (inb4 BREEDING WILL NEVER BE ADDED)

This is I hope the suggestion that many have considered, but haven't been able to balance right. I ask those of you who want this game to excel to further heights, out of the beta, discuss this with an open mind and post your concerns and thoughts. I will state it again: Breeding done right. Breeding can be great, even in an MMO form, it can be balanced and a great alternative to catching pokemon. You can breed your adamant Ghastly with 31 Spatk with a Modest Ghastly and a terrible IV spread, to make a 31 Spatk Modest Ghastly. Sure it will take time to do, and, seeing as the rest of the stats are random - he could still come out crap. But I ask you: is it a risk you're willing to take?

Breeding, no matter how you look at it will destroy the concept of CatchMMO, which is the set-out goal of PRO when it first began. It will not happen. Why? easy, breeding will cripple the economy and bring a boring grinding factor where you just get a few pokes that have good IV's and voila, you have yourself a full 31 IV comp in a matter of days. No...

Breeding is imbalanced in its own right as far as competitive goes, aside from that only rich players will have good competitive pokemons, which will also kill the competitive aspect of the game.

Egg move tutor is going to be implemented, so there goes that idea.

Catching a decent pokemon takes a better period of time, which is head to head with the grinding factor.

"IV's, nature, ability all random" This is already implemented, its called "catching another pokemon"

It will still effect the rarity factor to a certain degree.


Long story short, no breeding. Ever!


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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Sinnay, I completely understand the points you're making. The devs thoughts and cares on this game are great and I appreciate how hard they try to give us a great game to play. However some of the points I've made fit very well with the points you make.


'Our game concept is formed in a way that players should work hard, to get good pokémon, and should grind hard, to complete the game.

So hunting is what makes this game what it is, therefor it wouldn't fit into our game'

My method of adding breeding does NOT take away from the hard grind of hunting. Hunting will still be there, to be honest it will be even more in depth. Not only will we continue to hunt pokemon with decent IVs, well be hunting pokemon for that perfect 31 IV, for a desirable nature, held items, and for their egg moves. And, as I stated before, wild caught pokemon will not become obsolete, this is merely an additional in depth part of the game to help obtain a desirable pokemon. Players have a much better chance of catching a common pokemon with a desirable nature and great IV spread in the time of breeding one that has a CHANCE of having decent IVs. WE will still be working hard to get good pokemon, this form of breeding is not a free way of getting an overpowered pokemon.


'economies die when breeding gets overused.'

I agree which is why I made points in my post about money. It will not be a major gold sink, but at the same time, there's absolutely no way of earning money directly from the game through breeding, only through player trading. My point being that as long as there is not a hefty amount of money going to or obtained from the game, the economy will stay steady.


'Another thing is the competitive part that we are working on that will suffer under breeding ingame - as people will be busy breeding all day and have stronger competitive pokémon to offer, which will eventually make our economy break because of the price differentials.'

This is the major point I will argue with. Competitive? This form of bred pokemon does not give much of a benefit over wild caught pokemon. A 1x31 IV natured pokemon is not overpowered, but competitively does feels nice. For most players those stats alone are able to be settled with. These pokemon that can be bred to this extent can be caught in the wild reasonably as well. Where it does give a benefit are very rare pokemon. My method will allow players to actually breed that pokemon they spent hours hunting, but when captured had a terrible IV spread. Also breeding all day? #4 is the counter to this. It will take time to breed, most players will have to spend alot of time with that egg in their party hoping that when it hatches it comes out with a decent IV spread. Breeding would be something that players don't have to spend too much time doing, they will be able to get back to hunting and the story and competitive battles. Lastly the price differentials: again breeding pokemon this way will not make them overpowered. It will add many more pokemon to trade however, and bring back Ditto! Your adamant Ghastly with 31 Spatk and terrible other IVs will actually be trade able now.

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"just get a few pokes that have good IV's and voila, you have yourself a full 31 IV comp in a matter of days."


With my method best you can do is a 1x31 IV/natured pokemon OR a 2x31 IV pokemon. None of this 6x31 IV pokemon(If thats what you implied). My method adds more depth to a great game and allows an alternate method to players getting their competitive pokemon team ready. And as a note you must consider, youre giving up TWO pokemon that you captured for this bred pokemon. That is one with a perfect 31 IV and one with the correct nature. The baby could come out even worse! The other stats are randomized and its IV spread can be even lower than the 31 IV you used to make the baby.


The big response I see is that it will cripple the economy, yet i strongly disagree. I'd really like a clear vision of how this method could harm the economy.

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53698 I'd really like a clear vision of how this method could harm the economy.


Because I said so.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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