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Ok So I used surf and rock smash and one 1f to karate master room to find out he was not even there. Now its been so long last time I played I dont remember if I bet him or not but I need to fight him to bet boss red. And I go to find boss red and he is not there ether. So is there something am miss or is my game just broke. I done some reading on the forums and can cant find out why karate mater is not in his room


PLZ Help :Cry: :Smile:

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Hello Darkspawn!



Im sorry to hear your inconvenience, If you lose to the Karate Master you will have to wait one day before you can challenge him again, also, As explained in this Mt.Silver guide.

I would also like to note that it does not matter if you win or lose to Red, you only need to fight him to claim the reward. :) He will not re-spawn like the other bosses. :)


If you have already battled against RED and you have not been unlocked Trainers Valley, Check if you have the other requeriments to go there, 120 Kanto Pokes Caught and 40 evos, as well as completed the Subway Quest , If you have everything but trainers valley still not unlocked, please let me know!


Have a nice day!


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[mention]deep246246[/mention], the exact evo's needed are 34, this is correct :)

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.


Thanks very much guy sry for the late reply


Im glad that the problem is solved, Have a nice day!

<Locked as Solved>


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