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Hello [mention]CHHorny[/mention],


I suggest this guide as information source regarding spawns since it's the most updated one --> Complete PRO Pokedex!.


As for Feebas right now -->



Good luck hunting o/

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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Hey guys, is there any good wiki where i can see which pokemon can be found? Currently im searching where i can catch a feebas but i dont find anything :/


Hello Dennis401,


You also need to know that your Pokedex is your best value in matter of searching informations ingame. It has all infos on the levels pokemons can learn some moves, the locations of pokemons, quick schematic strentgh and weakness in what do look for IVs, and also abilities.


Remember that if you need some informations about where to find some pokemons, users are also friendly and ready to help on any servers in Help Channel :Grin:


Finally, if you haven't seen a pokemon but you know someone that have it in his party, you can ask him for a non-ranked battle (with /battle username) so the pokemon should be added as seen in your own pokedex and you will know all the infos to get one by yourself :)


Now that you have all the needed informations to find pokemons by your own, please allow me to lock this topic as solved.

Sometimes, Patience is the real key to everything.

:: Tease, learn, practice, master ::

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