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Howdy Pro,

So I've been attempting to research a little more about the moon area provided through hoenn and generally cannot find much about what exactly can be found there as far as pokemon, rares specifically. Obviously I could go there and hunt and figure it out for myself but with the 15k price tag and the hours it could potentionally take to figure this out just to have to turn around and grab the syncs required and such I figured this might be quicker and more thorough. So I suppose my overall question is what rare Pokemon could be found and what are the syncs that I should bring

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Gible is pretty much the only reason why you want to go there, since everything else in there can be encountered outside the Moon.


Gible needs Jolly Nature, can be encountered all the time, and does not require MS.


And yes, it's a rare spawn.







By the way, you'll be forced to go there as part of Hoenn's main story in PRO, and you''ll be forced to go there again if you want to catch Jirachi.

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