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This should only be a fast check up for my future PvP team so I know what I have to work on. It focuses on a balanced team which is easy to build so no excessive grinding is necessary.




Item: Leftover

Ability: Sturdy

Nature: Impish

EV: Def 252, HP 252, Atk 4

1 = Stealth Rock

2 = Rapid Spin

3 = Earthquake

4 = Roar


Physical Bulky Sweeper


Item: Life Orb

Ability Technician

Nature: Adamant

EV: Atk 252, Speed 252, Def 4

1 = Sword Dance

2 = Bullet Punch

3 = Superpower

4 = X-scissor (Bug Bite if it is coded)


Physical Revenge Sweeper


Item: Life Orb

Ability: Pressure

Nature: Adamant

EV: Atk 252, Speed 252, HP 4

1 = Ice Shard

2 = Knock Off

3 = Ice Punch

4 = Low Kick


Special Tank


Item: Leftover

Ability: Magic Guard

Nature: Bold

EV: Def 252, HP 252, Spatk 4

1 = Calm Mind

2 = Moonblast

3 = Softboiled

4 = Thunder Wave


Special Revenge Sweeper


Item: Choice Scarf

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Modest

EV: Spatk 252, Speed 252, HP 4

1 = Shadow Ball

2 = Psychic

3 = Thunder Bolt

4 = Sludge Bomb


Physical Tank


Item: Leftover

Ability: Own Tempo (Regenerator as hidden ability is too rare)

Nature: Bold

EV: 252 Def, 252 HP, 4 SpDef

1 = Calm Mind

2 = Scald

3 = Slack Off

4 = Psychic



This would be my first PvP Team in PRO. I tried to get the moves right so they fit the current code of the game. I also highly appreciate not too rare Pokemon because I want to start PvP with an easy to grind team. I don't want to grind for months until I'm ready for my first fight. After all, experience is everything.


So please hit me with possible improvements! If this build has a chance in beginning PvP, I will happily start grinding out those Pokemon.



Several issues with this team.


1. When teambuilding, "physical sweeper" "hazard" "special wall" are platitudes. THEY DO NOT MATTER; I've run entirely physical teams successfully. What does matter is that you adequately cover the entire metagame and have a clear plan to win the game. I do not see a win condition or a plan on this team.

2. Weavile needs to be Jolly. Base 125 speed is the primary reason to use it.

3. You are desperately weak to Volcarona. If it pops a Quiver Dance, you are getting 6-0'd.

4. You have no Magnezone switchin. Donphan loses badly to it.

5. Rain teams built around SpecsDra or Ludicolo will demolish you; you have no switchin to powerful Water-type special attacks.

6. Donphan does not provide adequate hazard support or control. It is too easily forced out and has no reliable recovery.

7. If you aren't using Regenerator, don't use Slowbro.


EDIT: 8. Psychic sucks on Gengar. Run Focus Blast.


Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!


1. When teambuilding, "physical sweeper" "hazard" "special wall" are platitudes. THEY DO NOT MATTER; I've run entirely physical teams successfully. What does matter is that you adequately cover the entire metagame and have a clear plan to win the game. I do not see a win condition or a plan on this team.


The thing is: How do I know?


It's not like the PRO meta is the same you find on smogon or other pvp websites so the only real way to get to know it, is to play the game. However, for that I need a team, so I sticked to basic team roles to get started. After all: This should not be a prefessional team. It is solely meant to get me started without getting me utterly destroyed. I will then (hopefully) learn what is missing for the current meta.

3. You are desperately weak to Volcarona. If it pops a Quiver Dance, you are getting 6-0'd.


Is Volcarona that common? I thought it only would be seen in high level PvP because it is so rare.

4. You have no Magnezone switchin. Donphan loses badly to it.


That's a good point ... I will have to work on that one.


Thanks for your answers! I highly appreciate it.


1. When teambuilding, "physical sweeper" "hazard" "special wall" are platitudes. THEY DO NOT MATTER; I've run entirely physical teams successfully. What does matter is that you adequately cover the entire metagame and have a clear plan to win the game. I do not see a win condition or a plan on this team.


The thing is: How do I know?


It's not like the PRO meta is the same you find on smogon or other pvp websites so the only real way to get to know it, is to play the game. However, for that I need a team, so I sticked to basic team roles to get started. After all: This should not be a prefessional team. It is solely meant to get me started without getting me utterly destroyed. I will then (hopefully) learn what is missing for the current meta.

3. You are desperately weak to Volcarona. If it pops a Quiver Dance, you are getting 6-0'd.


Is Volcarona that common? I thought it only would be seen in high level PvP because it is so rare.

4. You have no Magnezone switchin. Donphan loses badly to it.


That's a good point ... I will have to work on that one.


Thanks for your answers! I highly appreciate it.


I don't know what server you're on, but I have compiled usage stats for Yellow and they are somewhere on this forum, and others have done the same for Red. Volcarona on yellow is seen on roughly 7% of teams. I understand that some things only come with experience, and that my initial post may have been a little harsh, but if you fix the issues described it will be a much better team.


Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

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