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Change of PvP Rule °7


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Hello everyone,


I would like to suggest the following changes to PvP rule n°7:



You are not allowed to PvP with an alt account [aka same IP] if:

  • Both share the same guild [inlcuding "alt" guilds like e.g. Chronos 2]

You are not allowed to reach the ladder with more than one account.




What this does: - It removes any benefit from pvping with an alt account [no guild boosting, no ladder reward

Why would i suggest sth? Well I'll just copy my post from the rules thread in here for an explanation:




Me and my girlfriend are both playing on the same pc. This results into having the same IP. So:

Will one of us get punished if we both pvp [cuz of the same IP]?

If so - how is this fair?

If not: how do you plan on differentiating between family members and an actual alt account [again: same IP]. We even share pokemon - since she does not play to much.

I would also like to mention that the "old" rule n°7 had the same problem. But it was not really a problem for the majority of players since meeting the additional criteria

[1) Family members sharing IP + 2) Both being in the ladder] was very very unlikely to happen. This has now changed.





PS: I dont want to be banned cuz my gf played 1-10 games a Season.

PPS: We both suck at pvp rip



And finally for those who are not familiar with the said rule:

- see https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=34240


7. Alternate accounts are banned from the Ranked Ladder. Use of alternate accounts in the ranked ladder, no matter the reason, will result in harsh punishment. Additionally, should a player have multiple accounts linked to them (Alternate accounts) on the end-of-season Top 25, they will receive permanent suspension on said accounts.







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Well if you read closely [which seems a bit of a problem in the Forums - no offense]

you could figure out that the main problem what i wanna target is:


Differentiating between Family members using the same IP and actual ALT accounts.

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Well if you read closely [which seems a bit of a problem in the Forums - no offense]

you could figure out that the main problem what i wanna target is:


Differentiating between Family members using the same IP and actual ALT accounts.


staff have tools to do that already


Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

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Well if you read closely [which seems a bit of a problem in the Forums - no offense]

you could figure out that the main problem what i wanna target is:


Differentiating between Family members using the same IP and actual ALT accounts.


staff have tools to do that already


Please enlighten me:

How do you do that if not through the IP adress of your pc?


Monitoring ones playstyle and checking if its the same might be an option. But not in this world.

This would be way to complex even if he had 10+ developers on the game.


Please post some prove of your so called "Facts" and stop spamming the forums.


Thank you. Over and Out - I dont wanna have some "fights" about OT in here.



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Well if you read closely [which seems a bit of a problem in the Forums - no offense]

you could figure out that the main problem what i wanna target is:


Differentiating between Family members using the same IP and actual ALT accounts.


staff have tools to do that already


Please enlighten me:

How do you do that if not through the IP adress of your pc?


Monitoring ones playstyle and checking if its the same might be an option. But not in this world.

This would be way to complex even if he had 10+ developers on the game.


Please post some prove of your so called "Facts" and stop spamming the forums.


Thank you. Over and Out - I dont wanna have some "fights" about OT in here.




letrix literally said that in the pvp rules thread over in the pvp forums, his words not mine


Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

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