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Well let me explain, I use a excadrill with "Choice scarf" against a Talonflame with "Life orb" he used "Flare blitz" against my excadrill and it attacks first. how is that possible? if talonflame with a Natu that raises it speed stat with 31IVs in speed only gets 386 on that stat. well my excadrill how you can see in the image hasve275speed and with the "Choice scarf" it is supposed to have 413 speed, explain me what is bugged, if "gale wings" is bugged, or "scarf is bugged" or what. I'll link two images that certifies what I say.



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Hello [mention]Giacomoamd[/mention],


enjoy reading --> Choice Scarf ~ doesn't work properly .

I think after that everything should be clear, choice scarf is bugged :P

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

Well let me explain, I use a excadrill with "Choice scarf" against a Talonflame with "Life orb" he used "Flare blitz" against my excadrill and it attacks first. how is that possible? if talonflame with a Natu that raises it speed stat with 31IVs in speed only gets 386 on that stat. well my excadrill how you can see in the image hasve275speed and with the "Choice scarf" it is supposed to have 413 speed, explain me what is bugged, if "gale wings" is bugged, or "scarf is bugged" or what. I'll link two images that certifies what I say.


Hello Giacomoamd,


We're sorry for your trouble, but Choice Scarf is actually bugged as you can see it now, and it's now on the list for the dev team to fix. We hope you'll be able to enjoy it properly soon, but for now all everyone can do is to wait for it to be fixed.


You may keep an eye on Download & Update Logs Topic to see when it will come to and end :)


I hope i've been helpful, now allow me to lock this topic as solved.

Sometimes, Patience is the real key to everything.

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